after doing the snowman quest in alterac (snowman, and grinch) you get it in the mail 24 hours later.... need snowballs as a reagent, dont know how many, i think 1x
This is one of the items that you get from the Feast of Winter Veil Holiday. After the holiday is over the item remains but the questgivers disapear. If you have missed it last year (05) you can get it again this year (06).
Once you finish the quests for this holiday they send you this item 24 hours later. [pad]
WoW has many other holidays, click the link below to see. WoW Event Calender
this was a quest reward the quest disapeared shortly after christmas when used it turns u into a snowman that cannot move that lasts until u desnowman by right clicking the buff
After u done a quest you get reward, if this item isn't there, don't worry. You will get a mail after 24h. Then after 48h u will get another gift, then after... another.. as Blizzard said, till 2nd January every day is a happy day. So buy many snowballs, so you can use that items in July :) Ofcourse you can turn you into snowman how many times you want to, without any cooldowns. You can't move, but to transform you need one snowball (which you can buy only to 2nd January).
Once you get the veil, 24 hours later, you can jump in the air and activate it and you will freeze in the air. Also  if you jump over the pit in the center and activate it you get frozen in mid air, or if you activate it right before you hit the ground and then deactivate it you wont take any damage.
As of patch 1.9.1 the Winter Veil Disguise kit has been nerfed. It now has a 1.5 (I think?) cast time, meaning, you can't use it to freeze yourself in mid-air :(.
you're talking about that one... ah just play a shaman and you'll get to 34 and get sentry totem when you are in the air ... works good just wont hope that the target will go on me totem ^^
yea.. i did the quests. GMs wont tell u anything on how to get it at all. i am about to get it mailed. it is real in 06 december. someone linked it... whey used it and i saw it.. i did the quests.. and it looks cool!
I have a snowman kit, and it's kind of neat to bring both out at once.  The tiny snowman will dance with you and wave back.  I haven't noticed anything else yet.  It's also a good way to go AFK in the middle of a city.  =)
You need the quest where you have to find the agent in Alterac Mountains, he is among lvl 34 yeti's as a snowmen, you gotta kill a lvl 36 elite for it. Then you get something from greatfather winter (formula, schematic dont know what else) Then after a few hours you receive a mail, and in that mail there is this item.
i got this in the mail after doing the stolen candy quest. all year long i've seen some people with this, and mad because you can only get it during christmas, now ive got it on my hunter. 'id recommend making an alt, and filling his bank up with Snowballs to feed the trinket, because once december is over, you can't get them anymore, and once you run out of snowballs, this trinket is dead.(i have lvl1 alt with bank FULL of stacks of snowballs for future use)
As for the useage, it can be used as many times as you want, so long as you have a snowball each time. The effect will turn you into a snowman, but prevent you from moving or attacking/casting. the only thing you can do is sit there, or dance. the trinket isn't much fun right now, but next year, when its unattainable, it will be awesome to show off with.
This is still obtainable, 24 hours after you have completed all of the Winter Veil quests you will receive this in a mail from Greatfather Winter... I just got mine.