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Pattern: Greater Adept's Robe

Pattern: Greater Adept's Robe
Requires Tailoring (115)
Use: Teaches you how to sew a Greater Adept's Robe.

Greater Adept's Robe
25 sec cast
  Bolt of Woolen Cloth (5), Fine Thread (3), Red Dye (3)

Greater Adept's Robe
Binds when equipped
37 Armor
+1 Stamina
+2 Intellect
+7 Spirit
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 18


<Tailoring Supplies>
30DarnassusA H18
Jennabink Powerseam
<Tailoring Supplies & Specialty Goods>
25WetlandsA H8
Millie Gregorian
<Tailoring Supplies>
30UndercityA H18
Rann Flamespinner
<Tailoring Supplies>
15Loch ModanA H8
Sheri Zipstitch
<Tailoring Supplies>
31DuskwoodA H8
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