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Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper

Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper
Requires Cooking (50)
Use: Teaches you how to cook Longjaw Mud Snapper.

Longjaw Mud Snapper
3 sec cast
  Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper

Longjaw Mud Snapper
Requires Level 5
Use: Restores 243.6 health over 21 sec. Must remain seated while eating.


Harn Longcast
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9MulgoreA H4
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18Silverpine ForestA H4
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<Fishing Supplies>
30UndercityA H4
Naal Mistrunner
<Cooking Supplies>
40Thunder BluffA H4
<Cooking Supplies>
20TeldrassilA H4
Tansy Puddlefizz
<Fishing Supplies>
30IronforgeA H4
Tharynn Bouden
<Trade Supplies>
10Elwynn ForestA H4
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