Quick Facts
  • Zul'Gurub Set
  • Class: Priest
  • Level: 61
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Confessor's Raiment

Confessor's Raiment - Zul'Gurub Set - contains 5 pieces:
The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar
Hazza'rah's Charm of Healing
Zandalar Confessor's Wraps
Zandalar Confessor's Bindings
Zandalar Confessor's Mantle

Set Bonuses

Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.


Rating: +15 [-] [+]
By CollateralDmg on 10/26/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
For those that want to know, the reputation requirements for these are:

Neutral: Trinket
Friendly: Bracers
Honored: Belt
Revered: Shoulder
Exalted: Necklace
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Incendium on 09/14/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
This a great set, especially if you have 5/8 tier 1 like I do and need good healing bracers and a belt until you can find the BoE parts. <.<
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Ragnorok161 on 12/04/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
If you lose these talk with the guy to turn in the quests and he will give them to you. thank you blizzard!
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Rituido on 07/11/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Neat thing about the 3 piece set bonus: If you have the Holy talent Holy Reach and this set bonus, your Holy Fire and Smite spells have a 42 yard range! You too can have longer range than a Hunter!

This is the case because the talent Holy Reach is percentage based and although the Zul'Gurub set for Shamans has a similar set bonus for Lightning Bolt, their range increasing talent is yard based and the Blizzard system adds the set bonus range increase before the talent bonus; thus we have:

Smite: 30 yard range.
Smite+Holy Reach: 30x0.2=6 -> 30+6=36
Smite+Holy Reach+Confessor's Raiment: 30+5=35 -> 35x0.2=7 -> 35+7=42
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By lcpteck on 11/28/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
Great set and Tier 1 equivalent.
Show comment   Rating: -1 [-] [+]
By tompster on 10/05/2006 (Patch 1.12.1)
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