Quick Facts
  • Zul'Gurub Set
  • Class: Mage
  • Level: 61
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Illusionist's Attire

Illusionist's Attire - Zul'Gurub Set - contains 5 pieces:
Jewel of Kajaro
Hazza'rah's Charm of Magic
Zandalar Illusionist's Wraps
Zandalar Illusionist's Mantle
Zandalar Illusionist's Robe

Set Bonuses

Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.


Rating: +18 [-] [+]
By FlayOnDarkIron on 03/13/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
I claim no credit for the following quotes. they were both posted on thottbot, and i read them for the first time about 2 and a half years ago. I'll never forget those two quotes for as long as i live. This sentiment regarding the 3p set bonus was shared by every mage (that i personally knew anyway, and i knew quite a few).
"omfg thank you blizzard. that extra mana will come in hand when I have to conjure some bread/water for all the f@#ks I just buffed"

"Oh god, blizzard kicks ass.

I can't count the number of times my party was about to wipe and I had to spam out a quick AB to save us all, then ended up regretting it because I used 5% too much mana and couldn't get off that finishing frost bolt.

I think it would have been better, and a better directed insult as well, had blizzard reduced the casting cost of summoning food and water by 5%."

One just has to hop on over and look at the Warlock ZG Set to understand why.
Last edited by FlayOnDarkIron on 03/31/2010 (Patch 3.1.2) – edited 5 times
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By flagon on 12/05/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Pretty decent pre-MC set for a mage. The pieces drop pretty readily in ZG. You need friendly with the Zandalar Tribe for the bracers, honored for the shoulders, revered for the chest, and exhalted for the the neck piece. The trinket requires doing the edge of madness event, but the trinket is not that great for mages.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Chandrialla on 12/07/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
This is, I think, a very underrated set - however I don't see a need to go beyond getting the bracers, robe, and mantle. The individual pieces offer some good +damage and the set bonuses aren't bad either.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By flopfaint on 04/18/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
This Set+ This and This
Bring flamestrike's cast time down to 1.25 secs without haste :)
Last edited by flopfaint on 04/18/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
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