Lieutenant Commander's Redoubt
Lieutenant Commander's Redoubt - PvP Rare Set - contains 6 pieces:Set Bonuses
Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.- 6 pieces: +20 Stamina.
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Breastplate: 6750 Honor Points, 30 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor
Leggings: 6375 Honor Points, 30 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor
Gauntlets: 4125 Honor Points, 20 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor
Sabatons: 4125 Honor Points, 20 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor
Headguard: 6375 Honor Points, 30 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor
Shoulders: 4125 Honor Points, 20 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor
Full set:
- 31875 Honor Points
- 70 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor
- 50 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor
- 30 Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor