Quick Facts
  • Level: 62
  • Class: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Health: 103,600
  • Wealth: 55 10
  • Damage: 3,045 - 3,518 (Physical)
  • Armor: 4,340
  • Model: 12002
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Flamewaker Elite

Flamewaker Elite In 3D
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Essence of Fire55Reagent12
Heart of Fire45Reagent5
Elemental Fire25Reagent4
Roasted Quail55451Consumable4
Ancient Petrified Leaf71601Quest3
Major Healing Potion5545Flask2
Morning Glory Dew5545Consumable2
Major Mana Potion5949Flask1.28
Aquamarine45Trade goods0.6431
Scroll of Spirit IV5545Scroll0.64
The Eye of Divinity71601Misc. (Armor)0.64
Scroll of Intellect IV6050Scroll0.6
Bracers of Might66601Plate Armor0.6
Sash of Whispered Secrets71601Cloth Armor0.58
Star Ruby50Trade goods0.56
Girdle of Prophecy66601Cloth Armor0.54
Finkle's Lava Dredger70601Two-Handed Mace0.54
Giantstalker's Belt6660Mail Armor0.5
Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame70601Cloth Armor0.5
Wristguards of True Flight71601Mail Armor0.46
Cauterizing Band71601Misc. (Armor)0.46
Vambraces of Prophecy66601Cloth Armor0.44
Nightslayer Belt66601Leather Armor0.42
Cenarion Bracers66601Leather Armor0.42
Fireproof Cloak71601Cloth Armor0.42
Arcanist Bindings66601Cloth Armor0.38
Felheart Bracers66601Cloth Armor0.38
Belt of Might66601Plate Armor0.38
Scroll of Protection IV5545Scroll0.36
Core Hound Tooth70601Dagger0.36
Wild Growth Spaulders71601Leather Armor0.36
Cenarion Belt66601Leather Armor0.34
Eternium Lockbox60Junk0.3215
Giantstalker's Bracers6660Mail Armor0.32
Nightslayer Bracelets66601Leather Armor0.3
Felheart Belt66601Cloth Armor0.24
Scroll of Stamina IV6050Scroll0.22
Scroll of Agility IV6555Scroll0.22
Scroll of Strength IV6555Scroll0.22
Lawbringer Bracers66601Plate Armor0.22
Arcanist Belt66601Cloth Armor0.2
Earthfury Bracers6660Mail Armor0.2
Lawbringer Belt66601Plate Armor0.2
Core Forged Greaves70601Plate Armor0.2
Pattern: Runic Leather Pants601Leatherworking Pattern0.16
Fireguard Shoulders71601Leather Armor0.16
Crochet Belt42371Cloth Armor0.125(7)
Crochet Boots46411Cloth Armor0.125(7)
Crochet Bracers44391Cloth Armor0.125(7)
Crochet Cloak47421Cloth Armor0.125(7)
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