Quick Facts
  • Level: 8
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Undercity
  • Health: 334
  • Damage: 11 - 14 (Physical)
  • Armor: 20
  • Model: 11694
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This NPC can be found in Undercity.
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Rating: +23 [-] [+]
By seruk on 05/14/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
I bet they throw him in the machine behind him when no one's watching. I mean, he's green, and the liquid is green. Makes sence right?
Then they put another gnome there with the same name so that no one will suspect anything.
Actually, he just might be the one that's behind ALL the green liquid in Undercity! The plot thickens...
Rating: +22 [-] [+]
By Meaw on 10/09/2007 (Patch 2.2.3)
Well, maybe they are using the gnome to test stuff on him :>

Gotta love these undeads <3
Rating: +17 [-] [+]
By availible on 03/10/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
As do all of the other Undead, besides the abominations. Only a couple of the npc's in UC are considered undead, while the rest are considered humanoid. It's really unclear as to who he is and whether he is undead or leper. Blizzard seems to use the same character models for different things (fro example, Sylvanas is a high elf, but she looks like a night elf)
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/19/2006 (Patch 1.10.1)
Finally, a non-human undead. Where are the undead of other races? Dwarfs, Nightelf, Orc, ect
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Faera on 03/26/2007 (Patch 2.0.10)
What is up with this little guy? Is he for a quest or just something to freak me out?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Merowlin on 04/23/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
Nah, no quest. he's just there. I would rather be freaked out by the fact that there's only human undeads apart from this gnome and Sylvanas herself. makes me interested in the lore of this one. then again, he is standing right outside the mad-mans laberatorium.

- Merowlin
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/06/2005 (Patch 1.8.2)
Its a gnome :S. I want to know how he got in there!
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/15/2005 (Patch 1.5.1)
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By tosbanzai on 12/25/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
He is in Fact a Leper Gnome. He does not show up on Undead or Demon tracking but he does for Humanoid.
Show comment   Rating: -1 [-] [+]
By ShamanKalii on 12/23/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
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