Quick Facts
  • Level: 30 - 31
  • Class: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 381 - 396
  • Damage: 689 - 781 (Physical)
  • Model: 11096
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Lesser Silithid Flayer

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Silithid Ichor1Junk48
Cracked Silithid Shell1Junk20
Iron Lockbox30Junk0.27
Brawler Gloves28231Leather Armor0.0556(4)
Dense Triangle Mace28231Two-Handed Mace0.0556(4)
Amy's Blanket28231Cloth Armor0.0556(4)
Beazel's Basher29241One-Handed Mace0.0556(4)
Orb of Mistmantle28231Misc. (Armor)0.0556(4)
Thunderbrow Ring29241Misc. (Armor)0.0556(4)
Moccasins of the White Hare29241Cloth Armor0.0556(4)
Sparkleshell Mantle2924Mail Armor0.0556(4)
Dragonmaw Shortsword28231One-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Tunnel Pick29241Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Madwolf Bracers29241Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Fingerbone Bracers28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Black Metal Greatsword29241Two-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Black Metal War Axe28231Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Glowing Leather Bracers28231Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Magician Staff29241Staff0.0112(3)
Cross Dagger28231Dagger0.0112(3)
Humbert's Chestpiece28231Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Barbarian War Axe28231Two-Handed Axe0.0112(3)
Cavalier Two-hander28231Two-Handed Sword0.0112(3)
Flesh Piercer29241Dagger0.0112(3)
Emblazoned Bracers28231Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Cloak28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Mail Girdle2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Humbert's Pants29241Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Garneg's War Belt2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Glimmering Mail Bracers2924Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Silver-thread Gloves28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Silver-thread Amice29241Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Emblazoned Gloves29241Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Emblazoned Belt29241Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Boots29241Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Armor29241Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Girdle2823Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Gauntlets28231Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Legguards2823Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Battleforge Shoulderguards2823Mail Armor0.0112(3)
Dervish Buckler28231Shield0.0112(3)
Battleforge Shield29241Shield0.0112(3)
Dervish Boots28231Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Dervish Gloves28231Leather Armor0.0112(3)
Sage's Sash29241Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Sage's Boots28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Sage's Bracers28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Sage's Cloak28231Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
Sage's Gloves29241Cloth Armor0.0112(3)
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