Quick Facts
  • Level: 53 - 55
  • Class: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 754 - 789
  • Damage: 6 - 7 (Physical)
  • Armor: 20
  • Model: 7555
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Minion's Scourgestone1Quest50
Necrotic Rune16Junk35
A Bloodstained Envelope4545Quest1 (Quest)
A Ragged Page4545Quest1 (Quest)
A Smudged Document4545Quest1 (Quest)
A Torn Letter4545Quest1 (Quest)
A Crumpled Missive4545Quest0.34
Blindweed47Trade goods0.03
Imperial Red Tunic56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Imperial Red Robe56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Serpentskin Armor56511Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Armor56511Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Leggings5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ebonhold Buckler56511Shield0.0098(1)
Arcane Boots57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Bands56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Gloves57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Arcane Sash56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Belt56511Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Boots57521Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Bracers56511Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Traveler's Gloves57521Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Hero's Cape57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Breastplate57521Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Plate Leggings56511Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Alabaster Shield57521Shield0.0098(1)
Councillor's Boots56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Councillor's Circlet57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Councillor's Shoulders57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Boots56511Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Hat57521Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Wanderer's Shoulders57521Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Greaves57521Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Gauntlets56511Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Circlet57521Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Legguards5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Ornate Pauldrons5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Crown56511Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Legplates57521Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Templar Pauldrons56511Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Mystical Leggings56511Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Swashbuckler's Leggings56511Leather Armor0.0098(1)
Elegant Cloak57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Nightshade Cloak57521Cloth Armor0.0098(1)
Engraved Bracers5651Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Engraved Girdle5752Mail Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Sabatons56511Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Gauntlets57521Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Emerald Vambraces56511Plate Armor0.0098(1)
Imbued Plate Girdle57521Plate Armor0.0098(1)
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