Quick Facts
  • Level: 61
  • Class: Rare-Elite
  • React: A H
  • Health: 252,533
  • Wealth: 6 90 33
  • Damage: 4,028 - 4,098 (Physical)
  • Model: 7854
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Plagued Gargoyle

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Fate of Ramaladni1Quest100 (Quest)
Wartorn Cloth Scrap60Junk18
Wartorn Plate Scrap60Junk16
Wartorn Leather Scrap60Junk15
Wartorn Chain Scrap60Junk10
Necro-Knight's Garb85606Cloth Armor7
Word of Thawing1Junk4
Essence of Undeath55Reagent1.0811
Star Ruby50Trade goods0.3604
Ghoul Skin Tunic83606Leather Armor0.32
Harbinger of Doom83606Dagger0.24
Pattern: Felcloth Shoulders621Tailoring Pattern0.2
Stygian Buckler83606Shield0.2
Eternium Lockbox60Junk0.1802
Aquamarine45Trade goods0.1802
Ring of the Eternal Flame83606Misc. (Armor)0.1802
Belt of the Grand Crusader85606Plate Armor0.1802
Misplaced Servo Arm83606One-Handed Mace0.16
Tome of Frost Ward V60606Book0.08
Pattern: Runecloth Shoulders611Tailoring Pattern0.04
Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II60601Book0.04
Book: Gift of the Wild II60601Book0.04
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection60605Book0.04
High Councillor's Tunic64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
High Councillor's Robe64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Mighty Tunic64591Leather Armor0.0217(3)
Mercurial Breastplate64591Mail Armor0.0217(3)
Mercurial Guard64591Shield0.0217(3)
Master's Vest65601Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Master's Leggings64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Master's Robe65601Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Adventurer's Legguards64591Leather Armor0.0217(3)
Adventurer's Tunic65601Leather Armor0.0217(3)
Masterwork Breastplate65601Mail Armor0.0217(3)
Masterwork Shield65601Shield0.0217(3)
Masterwork Legplates6459Mail Armor0.0217(3)
Hyperion Shield65601Shield0.0217(3)
Hyperion Armor65601Plate Armor0.0217(3)
Hyperion Legplates64591Plate Armor0.0217(3)
Opal Ring64591Misc. (Armor)0.0217(3)
Prismatic Band65601Misc. (Armor)0.0217(3)
Prismatic Pendant65601Misc. (Armor)0.0217(3)
Demonic Bone Ring64591Misc. (Armor)0.0217(3)
Eternal Chestguard65601Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Eternal Crown64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Eternal Wraps65601Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Elunarian Vest64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Elunarian Silk Robes64591Cloth Armor0.0217(3)
Indomitable Vest64591Leather Armor0.0217(3)
Warstrike Chestguard64591Mail Armor0.0217(3)
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