Quick Facts
  • Level: 44 - 45
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Health: 2,150 - 2,201
  • Wealth: 1 10
  • Damage: 163 - 184 (Physical)
  • Model: 6423
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Cured Ham Steak4535Consumable25
Greater Mana Potion4131Flask25
An Exotic Cookbook1Junk21
Superior Healing Potion4535Flask6
Monk's Staff42371Staff0.011(1)
Skullsplitter Helm43381Mail Armor0.011(1)
Monstrous War Axe42371Two-Handed Axe0.011(1)
Thinking Cap42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Mistscape Bracers42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Mistscape Boots43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Imperial Leather Bracers42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Imperial Leather Gloves43381Leather Armor0.011(1)
Mistscape Mantle43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Mistscape Sash42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Imperial Leather Belt42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Blackforge Cape42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Blackforge Bracers4338Mail Armor0.011(1)
Mistscape Gloves43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Imperial Leather Boots43381Leather Armor0.011(1)
Imperial Leather Helm43381Leather Armor0.011(1)
Regal Wizard Hat42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Regal Gloves42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Regal Mantle42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Ranger Leggings43381Leather Armor0.011(1)
Ranger Helm42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Ranger Boots42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Ranger Shoulders42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Captain's Leggings4338Mail Armor0.011(1)
Captain's Circlet42371Mail Armor0.011(1)
Captain's Boots42371Mail Armor0.011(1)
Captain's Shoulderguards4338Mail Armor0.011(1)
Field Plate Shield43381Shield0.011(1)
Goblin Nutcracker43381One-Handed Mace0.011(1)
Ebon Scimitar43381One-Handed Sword0.011(1)
Sorcerer Drape43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Sorcerer Sphere43381Misc. (Armor)0.011(1)
Sorcerer Pants42371Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Sorcerer Robe43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Huntsman's Armor43381Leather Armor0.011(1)
Huntsman's Leggings42371Leather Armor0.011(1)
Jazeraint Chestguard42371Mail Armor0.011(1)
Jazeraint Shield42371Shield0.011(1)
Jazeraint Leggings4237Mail Armor0.011(1)
Royal Cape43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Royal Bands43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Tracker's Cloak43381Cloth Armor0.011(1)
Brigade Boots43381Mail Armor0.011(1)
Brigade Bracers4237Mail Armor0.011(1)
Brigade Gauntlets43381Mail Armor0.011(1)
Brigade Girdle4338Mail Armor0.011(1)
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