
Large Solid Chest

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Sweet Nectar3525Consumable33
Stormwind Brie3525Consumable14
Wild Hog Shank3525Consumable14
Delicious Cave Mold3525Consumable14
Mulgore Spice Bread3525Consumable14
Goldenbark Apple3525Consumable13
Heavy Leather30Trade goods10
Medium Leather20Trade goods10
Melon Juice2515Consumable10
Silk Cloth30Trade goods8
Lesser Mana Potion2414Flask6
Healing Potion2212Flask6
Greater Healing Potion3121Flask6
Wool Cloth15Trade goods6
Morning Glory Dew5545Consumable6
Mana Potion3222Flask6
Bolt of Woolen Cloth25Trade goods5
Coarse Stone15Trade goods5
Tin Ore20Trade goods5
Iron Ore30Trade goods5
Heavy Stone25Trade goods5
Mutton Chop2515Consumable4
Dwarven Mild2515Consumable4
Moist Cornbread2515Consumable4
Spongy Morel2515Consumable4
Wild Steelbloom22Trade goods4
Kingsblood24Trade goods4
Bruiseweed20Trade goods4
Snapvine Watermelon2515Consumable4
Bolt of Silk Cloth35Trade goods4
Liferoot30Trade goods3
Large Knapsack35Bag3
Fadeleaf32Trade goods3
Deep Fried Plantains5545Consumable3
Light Leather10Trade goods3
Alterac Swiss55451Consumable3
Dried King Bolete55451Consumable3
Homemade Cherry Pie55451Consumable3
Swiftthistle15Trade goods2
Roasted Quail55451Consumable2
Briarthorn15Trade goods2
Medium Hide20Trade goods2
Mageweave Cloth40Trade goods2
Khadgar's Whisker37Trade goods1.7569
Minor Mana Potion155Flask1.7497
Lesser Healing Potion133Flask1.5934
Jade35Trade goods1.5498
Silver Ore10Trade goods1.5189
Thick Leather401Trade goods1.2991
Copper Ore10Trade goods1.2864