The Grand Betrayal
Venture to Gnomeregan and kill Mekgineer Thermaplugg. Return to High Tinker Mekkatorque when the task is complete.Mekgineer Thermaplugg slain |
I trusted Thermaplugg, <race>. Never did I expect that he would betray me and the entire gnomish people. And for what? Power? Wealth? All things that he would have had in time. Now we have been displaced from our home and that madman is in charge. The king of nothing....We will retake Gnomeregan, <name>. We will not stop until the city is back in our control. If you wish to join in our fight, a simple task I ask of you: Kill the betrayer. Destroy Mekgineer Thermaplugg.
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You can choose one of these rewards:Civinad Robes | Triprunner Dungarees | Dual Reinforced Leggings |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 2750 experience ( 16 50 at max. level)
- 100 Reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
You might consider making a macro like
/target Mobile Alert System
/cast Earth Shock(Rank 4)
or whatever rank of whatever instant-cast damage spell you might have. Moonfire, Arcane Shot, Fire Blast, you get the idea. If you're not all about macros, just keep your eyes peeled and make sure your sound is on so you can catch them, otherwise they spawn a pair of elites. Alone, this isn't that bad, but when they come in the middle of a fight already in progress, you're probably going to wipe unless you're slightly overleveled or have a really good and organized group.
A major chokepoint for many Gnomeregan groups is the tunnel with all the Dark Iron Agents. The first pull with 4 Dark Irons is just really tough, make sure you kill mines before they're armed. A little further along, there's a group of 3 Dark Irons and one Arcane Nullifier who seem like they're a linked pull. If you wait for the Arcane Nullifier to path over near you, you can pull it and one of the Dark Irons, splitting it up into two pulls of two instead of another group of 4 that can now reflect spells. As for Thermaplugg himself, just keep DPSing, have someone run around and push the buttons of the statues with open mouths to prevent being nuked with tons of bombs, and if you have a good mage, Thermaplugg can be kited with Blink and some clever maneuvering.