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The Sparklematic 5200 is empty, awaiting a grime-encrusted object to clean and three silver coins to start!
Grime-Encrusted Object
Required Money: 3



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StartEndObjectives - GnomereganObjectives - Dun Morogh


You will receive:
Sparklematic-Wrapped Box


Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Vlad on 05/09/2008 (Patch 2.4.1)
Open up the dialog (quest) with [The The Sparklematic 5200] and use this macro to make the delivery and completion faster:

/click QuestFrameCompleteButton
/click QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1
Simply spam the macro to finish the quest after you have right-clicked. Simplest and fastest way to deliver all the items is by running between by the two machines close to each other and spamming the macro, saves time on the dialog itself. Oh also, one more thing.. there is a vendor close by (Tink Sprocketwhistle) so pay him a visit to sell some items you loot that you don't wanna keep! ;)
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/15/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
So i've gotten:
(gems)jade, malichite, tigerseye,shadowgem.
As well as coal, irridescent pearl, small pearls, And
1 blue trinket (bound on pickup)

Most common-- coarse stone(common) and malichite(green).

For anyone of you who aren't sure how/what these listed quests are, here goes..

You get into the instanced gnommergram zone..
you go down the hall to the rim of the gear room(your upstairs on the walkway) turn left (NOT right- it's a dead end) follow it around till you get past the first branchoff to your left(theres a quest up there, but you'll need 4 peeps if you want to keep her alive) continue to the next entrance on your left. go in and through this area. eventually, you'll go down to a room with the "holdouts" in it.. safe area it is.. rest up, recharge, and while your there..........

There are 4 machines spread out across the walls on either side.. These look like (very) old fashioned washing machines.. Yoiu will get the gear icon to start them.. If you have any of those -Oh so common- drops off the mobs you've been fighting on you(the grime encrusted objects), And you happen to have gotten 3silver off the same mobs. You can then activate the quest. NO EXP, NO FACTION, just a pretty box to open!
What i listed above was from 35 tries.. Was totally shocked at the trinket! But hey, i was wearing better. So off to the merchant it went.

just so those of you might know what to expext..

Note for people: The mobs WILL follow you into the room, but won't stray into it. And the holdouts won't help you either. At least they didn't help me when i pulled a couple up there to prevent further agro.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/10/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Take your grime encrusted objects to the clean room and use the sparklematic things dotted around the edges there are 3 of them....

Received Gnomeregan Amulet of the Monkey
+5 Agility
+4 Stamina

Click to see
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/19/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
It's in Gnomeregan. The Grime-Encrusted Objects drop from Mobs inside the instance Dungeon. You can generate (random) Items from them for 3 Silver each at a Machine in the clean area. (Sorry, don't know, what it's called in english.)

The Grime-Encrusted Objects drop for Horde too and the machine can be used by them too. The Objects it creates are like Stones and gems. Nice for Engineers.
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By Anonymous on 10/07/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)