Kill the group of Shadow Silk Poachers that wander the Searing Gorge. Nilith has reason to believe that there are five of them that need to be exterminated. Return to Nilith in the Searing Gorge when this task is complete.Shadowsilk Poacher slain (5) |
The spiders of the Searing Gorge are an invaluable source of shadow silk. As you know, shadow silk is highly sought after by the artisans of our trade.Recently, a group of poachers has encroached upon these lands, carelessly slaying spiders en masse without so much as a thought as to the long term effect of their actions. The first task I ask of you, then, is a simple one: Find them... and end them.
Begin your search to the north.
If you require assistance, speak with Raze.
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Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
Searing Gorge
You will receive:Shadowy Bracers |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 4700 experience ( 28 20 at max. level)