Find some Special Chicken Feed and return to your befriended chicken. When you find it, /cheer at it before trying to give it the Special Chicken Feed.Special Chicken Feed |
"Cluck... cluck... cluck... BACAW!Cluck... cluck... cluck."
The chicken looks up at you and then starts to scratch its claws into the ground. You think it is spelling out a word, but you are not sure what it is. Could it be... S-A-L-D-E-A-N? Before you can ask, the chicken turns away and goes about its business.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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The following spell will be cast on you:Summon Chicken Egg |
This is what you do:
1: Go to westfall, Saldean's Farm.
2: Create a macro with the line /chicken .
3: Target one of the chickens at Saldean's Farm and spam the macro (this might take a while, be patient).
4: Eventually, the chicken will become green-labeled, rightklick the chicken (I presume your not level 1) and you will recive a quest - this quest.
5: Accept the quest, go to "Farmer Saldean" and buy one piece of Special Chicken Feed.
6: Return to the chicken and give him the Special Chicken Feed - he will give you a "Chicken Egg" (you have to pick it up yourself) - this egg is a pet :)
This quest is A H but the special chicken feed is only buyable for the Alliance (you might be able to get it by the cross-faction AH).
EDIT1: The quest will work properly even if you don't /cheer at the chicken.
EDIT2: If I remember correctly it works on every chicken in Westfall, but why bother running all the way just to buy the food? :)
- Merowlin