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Sweet Serenity

Travel to Stratholme and kill the Crimson Hammersmith. Recover the Crimson Hammersmith's Apron and return to Lilith.
Crimson Hammersmith's Apron


Within the confines of the Scarlet Bastion lies sweet Serenity. The Crimson Hammersmith guards the recipe with his life. Defeat him and bring me his apron. For that, I shall reward you with the knowledge required to create an enchanted battlehammer!




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You will receive:
Plans: Enchanted Battlehammer
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8550 experience ( 51 30 at max. level)


Rating: +34 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/11/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
Ok, Lets rewind a little, I see people that are wanting to know how to become a weaponsmith.&nbsp Im not sure how this is done if you are a ally, I have never played..and never will play, a ally toon, FOR THE HORDE! Anywho, if you are horde, The weaponsmith and armorsmith trainers are in org, in the back, next to the backsmith trainers, forge, and anvil.&nbsp If you want to become a weaponsmith, simply talk to the weaponsmith npc there, he is outside, and he will give you a quest.&nbsp This quest takes some time but its not too hard.&nbsp Ok, with that said, lets get to the point, I have noticed that about 75% of the people have this wrong. Im not sure what levels are required, but i did this at level 52 and Blacksmith level 270.&nbsp In order to become a weapon master, wether it be sword, hammer, or axe, you do not need to do any quests.&nbsp You simply have to talk to one of the three npc's in Winterspring.&nbsp Right click on one, and they will have two options, 1. a quest (which u dont need to do) and 2. teach me how to be a Master <insert weapon>smith.&nbsp Choose option two on your perferred weapon trainer, once again the options are Master Sword, Hammer, or Axe Smith.&nbsp Now why are u picking this?&nbsp Easy...each option gives u access to two 3 tier weapons, one being a 1 hand, and the other being a 2 hand.&nbsp If you would like to see these weapons before you pick your spec, simply go to the weaponsmith trainer in org and you can view the diffrent weapons.&nbsp What do i mean by a 3 tier weapon?&nbsp Once again..Easy..you must first make the 1st tier weapon (in the case of master swordsmith, the 1st tier one hand sword is the Fireguard.&nbsp The reason it is called a 3 tier is because, this sword is required to make the 2nd tier Blazeguard, and the 2nd tier is needed to finally make the 3rd tier Blazefury.&nbsp Once again you have access to two of these kind of weapons, a one hander and a two hander, this is true for each spec, so no matter which way you go it will be like this.&nbsp So to put it all in one sentence... You must me a weaponsmith to choose between the diffrent weapon specs, These spec trainers are located in winterspring, and there is NO quest required to get spec'ed.&nbsp Oh yah, almost forgot, the weapons are BoP, so no buying or selling, and the mats are freakin nuts, so good luck and i hope this helps.
Rating: +20 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
1) The Crimson Hammersmith is a triggered spawn, so you can't just wander around and expect to find it.

2) Clicking on the parchment labeled "Blacksmithing Plans" will trigger the Crimson Hammersmith, who will try and kill you.

3) The parchment labeled "Blacksmithing Plans" seems to have a few locations where it can spawn. The ones I know or have read about are listed here:

A) In the Hoard area, before Canoneer Willy on the floor (this is where I found it).

B) Before the main boss of the Live Side, in two small alcoves, also occupied by Archivist Galiford. It will be sitting on a bench.
Rating: +18 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/31/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
Ok, I've read through all the comments here and am ready to add my comments.&nbsp I just hope they help clear up any questions.

First, let me say I went in with the required 5-man party (a pug or pick-up-group) and we wiped twice.&nbsp Both times were when we very first got into the instance LOL.&nbsp Once we got our "stuff" together, we made it to the boss.

Second, let me say I am not one of the many people who have memorized every inch of every instance AND memorized every boss and every epic item the bosses are capable of dropping. I still don't know what the name of the above-mentioned boss is that we went after.

This was my first time in there.&nbsp I am a pally and I joined a priest, a warlock, a mage, and a warrior.&nbsp Halfway through the instance, our mage had to leave and the leader of the group (the priest) called a friend (another mage) and they summoned the other mage.

I explained to the group that it was my first time in there and I was mainly there for the hammersmith quest.&nbsp This brings me to a response I would like to make to a comment made by Girm 3.8 months ago (at the time I am writing this 2/4/06).&nbsp Girm says "this is an extremely long & hard fought struggle for very little reward."&nbsp How about the Righteous Orb?&nbsp In my server (Draenor)the orbs go for a minimum of 70 gold in the AH.&nbsp That was an unexpected bonus for me as each person in my party got one as we went through the monestary.&nbsp Or how about the other quests you can do in this instance?&nbsp If you join a group that is doing one or more of the other quests and/or want to get your own Righteous Orb, then it is worth it to go in this instance.

The second thing Girm says that I would like to respond to is that "there are many opportunities along the way for total wipeouts." In the next section Girm gives a very detailed description on how to survive this instance.&nbsp Ya know what? Girm described EVERY FREAKING INSTANCE IN THE GAME! The reason why I bring this up, is if you read Girm's comments (as well as some of the negative comments of others )you might think this is an extremely difficult instance to get through, and this quest can't be done, but this instance is no different in the dangers you face than any of the other instances.&nbsp

I also read a question asking why anyone would want to become a Swordsmith/Hammersmith/Axesmith.&nbsp For me it is just for the satisfaction of doing it.&nbsp I can call myself a Master Hammersmith.&nbsp Not really worth anything in practical value though.

I found the plans (with the help of the warrior who pointed them out to me) in the hoard area on the floor before we went after Canoneer Willy.&nbsp You pick up the plans and the Crimson Hammersmith attacks to to get the plans back.&nbsp When you defeat her, you loot that apron from her. I don't know if she drops anything else as when we killed her I only got the apron.

We then killed Canoneer Willy and went on to kill the boss in this area.&nbsp Like I said above, I have no idea what his name is, but he turned into a giant and panicked me a kajillion times LOL

One more thing.&nbsp Lilith is a girl, not a guy as previously stated.&nbsp She is an undead female NPC and she is one of the three NPC questgivers that are in the Goblin town of Everlook in Winterspring.&nbsp The other two NPCs standing with her give the quest for the swordsmith and the axesmith (human male/sword and troll male/axe).&nbsp Once you choose a quest, the other two quests dissapear, but you can change your mind IF you dump the quest before you complete it.&nbsp Once you dump the quest, all three will be available again.&nbsp Once you complete the quest though, you are stuck with the one you chose.

Hope this helped somewhat.
Rating: +9 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/11/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
No you can't. But as stated above you can learn this recipe now weather your a weaponsmith or armorsmith, all you need is 280 bs skill.
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Derhund on 05/24/2007 (Patch 2.1.0)
Head to Strat and to the bastion of Scarlet Crusaders. Once inside you have to fight through a couple halls of healers, melee and mages. You'll come to a door labeled "Hoard Door", requiring lockpicking or the scarlet key. Blacksmith Plans are on the floor about 4 mob pulls down. Once you check the plans the hammersmith spawns. Kill her, take the apron, turn in the quest, get the plans.

Did this at 70 as a protection paladin with a 66 shaman. The mobs near the Blacksmith Plans can still cause problems because all four are capable of healing.
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
1) Doors and doorways are your enemies. You will be fighting in close quarter hallways. ALWAYS fight well back of any doorways or archways that have enemies beyond. The only person that should be out front is the person pulling. Do not let people run around and look. Stay as a group, with one person out front. Everyone stay far far back of anyone pulling. The reason being, there are wandering enemies beyond these doors and archways that agro on you and drag a whole group onto you if you are not careful. This is ESPECIALLY important when you are opening locked doors. There is almost always a group of wandering enemies that are just past it. Anyone who is opening a door should be well out front and prepared to die just in case to prevent a wipe.

2) When you are fighting, be prepared for adds after the fight. These are scripted sequences when you kill a group or get to a certain point, enemies can spawn either behind or in front of you (live or undead opponents). It's usually a good idea to pull and fight somewhat back from where something is standing, so you have some time to rest.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I'm almost 100% positive that this CANNOT be completed with a raid group any longer (after the patch).

Also, it is pretty difficult to find folks who are willing to 5 man the live side of Stratholme. This is an extremely long and hard fought struggle for very little reward. There are many opportunities along the way for total wipeouts (even with wipe protection). You really need to want to go or like the person a lot to go through all this for these plans.

Having said that, having a bit of foreknowledge can go a long long way. Some tips to getting anywhere in the Live side (after you fight all the undead to get there, go figure).
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/31/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
every smith can make the sulfuron hammer by getting plans form thorium brotherhood ...&nbsp just need to get the eye of sulfuras to make the sulfuran hammer into the Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By tarkhan on 09/19/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Not needed for the Hammersmith - you can just learn it from the questgiver. The quest still exists for XP and such, you just don't need to complete it for the hammersmith skill.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Libra on 04/12/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
any idea how much blacksmithing you need to get this quest?
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I can confirm that you may not complete this quest if you enter the instance as part of a raid group.
I have tried it twice (leave party, get plans, kill crimson hammersmith) and the hammersmith's apron does not drop.
Having said that I am close to giving up...have tried 5-6 times with a 5 man group and wiped each time.
After trying so many times, however I would think that the following would make a good party to 5-man the instance

Any comments or suggestions?&nbsp I know of ppl who have successfully done this in a 5 man party and it's agonising to try again and again with no luck.
Before ppl start posting about how i should learn to use my character's strenghts etc...I [b}do[/b] know how to play my warrior well as a main tank...just seems to be overwhelming in there with only 5 ppl.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/31/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
You can only do one of the following:&nbsp Axesmith, Hammersmith, Swordsmith.&nbsp They even warn you, that once you complete one of the quests stated above you may not do another.&nbsp

My question is, can the legendary wpn be made by a hammersmith?&nbsp Sulfuras?&nbsp I know you get the quest with the thorium brotherhood after turning in an ignot.

Second question.&nbsp Does the scarlet hammersmith drop anything?
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I've done the Scarlet side of Strat a few times now and have never seen this guy. Can anyone tell me where he spawns or if he's a rare spawn or something? Any help would be apreciated.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
FOr the human side a rogue would be MUCH better than a 'lock. you'll need the damage and CC.

plus the group you're stating is all heals and beside mage, not any damage.

warrior, rogue, mage, priest and then either paly or druid would prolly be best.

I did it no problem first try with warrior, rogue(me), hunter, priest, mage
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I understand everything said, but i am trying to be prepared, and cant find if you need to be friendly or honoured to get this quest, could someone tell me pls?
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/07/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Can be done with 5 man (was at 273 BSing at the time and lvl 57). Just stay sharp and watch aggro if you are under lvl 58.
Having 2 mages to sheep was a GREAT benefit.

We picked up a really funny rare/blue item - it's only purpose is to make a target dance.
No lie!

Good luck all!

of Ill Gotten Gains
BlackHand Server
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/31/2007 (Patch 2.0.6)
Since the new patch has come out, the blacksmith specialization has been removed. I completed the sword quest on the undead side and currently have the axe quest in my book now.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/23/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
As of now, all you have to do is talk to Lilith twice and she'll make you a master hammersmith if you meet the requierments. You don't have to do this quest.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By ATFinsano on 08/01/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Soloable as a 70 rogue in mediocre gear. Make sure to use crippling poison as they run, and take out the healers first. Not hard at all.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
Can someone confirm or deny whether or not this can still be completed mid raid by dropping out and doing damage, as mentioned above?

I think they stopped that in the last patch, but I've seen other quests that can still be done by dropping out of raid group temporarily.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I've been to liveside with a raid and never seen him which means you cant complete the quest if you are in a raid. I went with 5 men and completed it. I have a questtion tho.... does anybody know where this Lilith guy is to turn in the quest? hehe please help!
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
I wonder if it is possible to do this quest with level 50 by having a strong level 60 squad (no raid) do all the killing and when the path to the plans is clear drop one of the true friends and invite the lucky level-50-hammer-smith-to-be into the party. Kill the crimson dude. End-of-story. Anyone tried this?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/19/2005 (Patch 1.8.3)
does anybody know where this Lilith guy is to turn in the quest? hehe please help!

He's in Winterspring, Everlook. He's one of three people in a house there.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/19/2005 (Patch 1.8.3)
why can`t i get the quest there? i have the one for axe master but the 2 other guys don`t have any quests.

is there a level requirement or do i first have to do the axemaster quest?

is it possible, that i can`t get it because of having that axe-quest in my log?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/08/2005 (Patch 1.3.2)
1) Doors and doorways are your enemies. You will be fighting in close quarter hallways. ALWAYS fight well back of any doorways or archways that have enemies beyond. The only person that should be out front is the person pulling. Do not let people run around and look. Stay as a group, with one person out front. Everyone stay far far back of anyone pulling. The reason being, there are wandering enemies beyond these doors and archways that agro on you and drag a whole group onto you if you are not careful. This is ESPECIALLY important when you are opening locked doors. There is almost always a group of wandering enemies that are just past it. Anyone who is opening a door should be well out front and prepared to die just in case to prevent a wipe.

2) When you are fighting, be prepared for adds after the fight. These are scripted sequences when you kill a group or get to a certain point, enemies can spawn either behind or in front of you (live or undead opponents). It's usually a good idea to pull and fight somewhat back from where something is standing, so you have some time to rest.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/08/2005 (Patch 1.3.2)
1) The Crimson Hammersmith is a triggered spawn, so you can't just wander around and expect to find it.

2) Clicking on the parchment labeled "Blacksmithing Plans" will trigger the Crimson Hammersmith, who will try and kill you.

3) The parchment labeled "Blacksmithing Plans" seems to have a few locations where it can spawn. The ones I know or have read about are listed here:

A) In the Hoard area, before Canoneer Willy on the floor (this is where I found it).

B) Before the main boss of the Live Side, in two small alcoves, also occupied by Archivist Galiford. It will be sitting on a bench.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/08/2005 (Patch 1.3.2)
I'm almost 100% positive that this CANNOT be completed with a raid group any longer (after the patch).

Also, it is pretty difficult to find folks who are willing to 5 man the live side of Stratholme. This is an extremely long and hard fought struggle for very little reward. There are many opportunities along the way for total wipeouts (even with wipe protection). You really need to want to go or like the person a lot to go through all this for these plans.

Having said that, having a bit of foreknowledge can go a long long way. Some tips to getting anywhere in the Live side (after you fight all the undead to get there, go figure).
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/10/2005 (Patch 1.6.1)
I have reached 300 weaponsmith and am a lvl 49. Lilith won't talk to me. Do I have to be lvl 50 (or more) to get this quest?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By sjuker on 03/23/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
This is also soloable by an enhancement shaman in pvp (season 1 and 3) gear. Cleared only the spots necessary to get past. The "rat trap" is easily managed by setting up stoneskin/healing totems. Be sure to use line of sight to your advantage in the corridors, set up behind a corner, and pull mobs to the spot.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By darla on 04/13/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
For learn "Hammesmith" u must speak with npc
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By Anonymous on 05/08/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
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By Anonymous on 01/06/2007 (Patch 2.0.1)
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By Anonymous on 10/13/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)