Stave of the Ancients
You must find and destroy these four demonic corrupters:Simone the Seductress.
Klinfran the Crazed.
Solenor the Slayer.
Artorius the Doombringer.
Destroy these creatures and return to Vartrus the Ancient in Felwood with their heads.
Refer to the Petrified Bark in your inventory for clues as to their whereabouts.
You MUST complete this task by yourself.
Simone's Head | |
Klinfran's Head | |
Solenor's Head | |
Artorius's Head |
Petrified Bark |
Agents of the Burning Legion are still active in our world, <class>. These agents corrupt all that they touch. Nature wilts and weeps in their presence.You must track down these demonic corrupters and destroy them, <name>. Be warned, you must engage them by yourself or they will flee. As long as you are alone, they will try and destroy you. You must strike at them, turning their arrogance into misery.
I grant you a piece of my bark, the inscriptions shall lead you to your targets. Retrieve their heads.
Tip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
You will receive:Ancient Rune Etched Stave |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 9950 experience ( 59 70 at max. level)
First, I found this to be a very helpful website:
Second, watch those videos. They help so much more than a picture or text ever could. In doing these demons, be prepared to spend ALOT of time and a good deal of gold if you're not an alchemist. Shadow protection potions go for 20g per stack on my server, and you'll use three in the last fight.
Also, be prepared to die alot. It happens, don't get fustrated.
But one of the bigger needs for every fight is MANA POTIONS . I picked up alchemy for this reason, and made stacks and stacks of the level 25 potions. Obviously it wasnt as effective as the major mana pots, and I got pretty low in mana after every fight, but I again, wasnt feeling like supporting a fairly inflated alchemy market. I usually popped a 25 mana pot at 75% and it restored me to about full, and had one or two more in the fights.