Thorium Widget
Yebb Nebblegear, like me, is working on a future attraction. So amazing is this attraction, says Nebb, that it will draw folks from across the world... and it will make us all very, very rich!He says he needs thorium widgets for its construction, and wants me to collect them for him. So what do you say, <name>? Do you know where to get Thorium widgets? If you're an engineer, can you make them? Do you want to trade them for Darkmoon Faire tickets?
Thorium Widget (6) |
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Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
You will receive:Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 100 Reputation with Darkmoon Faire
2400 Rugged Leather= 480 Rugged Armor Kits= 1200 Tickets
(Made by Leatherworking)
Thorium Widget's:
1080 Thorium Bar's AND 360 Runecloth= 360 Thorium Widget's =
1200 Ticket's
(Made by Engineer's)
Dense Grinding Stone:
1920 Dense Stone = 480 Dense Grinding Stone = 1200 Ticket's
(Made by Blacksmith's)
These are just the main things I am going to turn in, I didn't want to waste my doing the math for all the other ones. These are the correct Number's, So there is no reason to second guess it.
Also After 1.9. You do not have to have a certain profession to turn any of these in. The quests are available to ANYONE with ANY profession.