Spawn of Jubjub
I'm so happy Jubjub is no longer lost. She loves Dark Iron ale so much that when I ran out... she ran away to find more!Now that Jubjub's back, I want as much ale as I can get! I won't want her to run away again!
Do you have any Dark Iron Ale? If you do, then I'll trade you one of Jubjub's frog eggs for a mug...
Dark Iron Ale Mug |
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You will receive:Unhatched Jubling Egg |
Jubling Cooldown |
1. Get two Dark Iron Ale Mug from the auction house (they should cost from 1g to 2g and 50s each) or get them from Plugger Spazzring inside Blackrock Depths.
2. Wait for Darkmoon Fair to arrive in your faction's area, (if you alliance its near Goldshire in Elwyn Forest and if you're horde its near Thunder Bluff in Mulgore, and sometimes it near Shattrath in Terokkar Forest.
3. When Darkmoon Faire arrives go to Morja, she is a female orc.
4. Use one of the Dark Iron Ale Mug near Morja's feet and wait for Jubjub to arrive.
5.When Jubjub arrives, take the quest : Spawn of Jubjub form morja.
6.Hand in Spawn of Jubjub.
7.Wait 1 week for Unhatched Jubling Egg to hatch, and when it hatches, right click its icon.
Congratulations! you just got yourself a beer frog!