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Glowing Scorpid Blood

In all my time working the Faire, I've learned a lot of things about customers. Here's one of those nuggets of wisdom: customers love stuff that glows! It doesn't matter what it is - you could take a broken chair leg and make it glow, and every child will come from miles around to get one!

So, <name>, I need glowing scorpid blood. You can find it from the scorpids of Sillithus, or the Blasted Lands, or the Burning Steppes.
Glowing Scorpid Blood (10)



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Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest
StartEndObjectives - Blasted LandsObjectives - Burning SteppesObjectives - SilithusObjectives - Blackrock Spire


You will receive:
Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Rating: +15 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/21/2006 (Patch 1.11.2)
For the skinners/leatherworkers out there, go grind these scorpids in Southern Silithus, take their blood, and take their leather. After a while, you'll have enough blood, and enough rugged armor kits to turn in for the necklace of your choice. That is the fastest way to get your 1200 tickets by far. Even buying the materials off of the AH will take longer than this in most cases...unless you are just lucky enough to find someone selling a crap load of all the turn ins all at once, but that is extremely unlikely, and is going to cost you an arm and a leg. Also, don't think that just because the faire is in the other faction's spot this month that you can't do your turn ins right then. You don't have to wait for it at all. Just choose a time during the day that there arent a ton of people on, and head over there. Even if there are guys there to kill you, your armor doesn't suffer from PVP kills. Just keep rez running, and turn on your instant quest text. It will take you no time at all to turn in all the stuff you need to turn in, and you will be able to get your necklace. In my experience, the people at the fair didn't mess with me when I was a Paladin outside Thunderbluff ) Or when I was a Shaman outside of Stormwind. You can avoid the guards no problem, and snag your loot easily.

Edited, Jul 21st 2006 at 9:43am EDT by SofaKingCool
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/28/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
How much rep do you get per turn in with these or the Evil Bat Eyes?

Not that it matters, I'm honored now, have my necklace and there's nothing besides the fortune buff worth stopping by the faire for now...

Edited, Aug 1st 2006 at 8:40am EDT by Sevencast
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/05/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
u get per 20 tickets 100 rep (per 10 of there u get 20 tickets and 100 rep)
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/13/2007 (Patch 2.0.4)
how many times can i cash these in? if theres a limit...
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/10/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
rep with who?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/08/2007 (Patch 2.0.6)
If you do quests in silithus they drop from the scorpions a lot