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  • Level: 60
  • Requires level: 35
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Barrus
  • End: Barrus
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Could I get a Fishing Flier?



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You will receive:
Fishing Tournament!
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Rating: +23 [-] [+]
By clairebennet on 05/31/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)
You can get the flyer from the goblin near the bank in Orgrimmar. He's standing beside a palmtree I believe. The contest only lasts for 2 hours, so you better hurry!

Remember to bring:
- A fishing pole (preferably one that increases your fishing skill, for example [Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole] or [Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000])
- bait or baubles (I recommend [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor], You can buy it in limited supplies from many fishing supplies vendors or you could ask an engineer to make them for you. Mats needed for this are [Bronze Bar], [Nightcrawlers] and [Coarse Blasting Powder]

Also put on any gear you've got that increases your fishing skill (this is not a must, but it decreases the chance of the fish getting away. Besides, it's a bit fun as well)

Remember to free enough space in your inventory. The fish are more valuable than usual and you should therefor not throw away any fish, but turn it in to a vendor.

The Tastyfish can only be fished along the coast of Stranglethorn Vale. The first person to catch 40 tastyfish and to hand it in to Riggle Bassbait in Booty Bay will get a special prize. There are also smaller prizes for certain rare fish which can be fished in the schools of Tastyfish.

The fish finding ability is quite useful in this tournament. It allows you to see schools of fish and floating objects on the minimap. This ability is learned from a book that drops from fished crates. I got mine when fishing in the little pond right outside Shattrah City in Outlands.

Good luck, everybody!