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3. Valadar Starsong
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Valadar Starsong

Use your Lunar Festival Invitation in the moonlight to travel to Moonglade. Speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven when you arrive.


Now that you have your Lunar Festival invitation, you may travel to Moonglade! There you will find many revelers, and in the village of Nighthaven Valadar Starsong and his sister Fariel await those eager to participate in the celebration.

Travel to Moonglade through the greater moonlight and speak with Valadar Starsong; see what prizes you might gain during the festival!



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Stormwind City


You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 650 experience ( 3 90 at max. level)


Rating: +52 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Same as above, listed in zone order first:

Ashenvale, Astranaar, 35,48&nbsp **Riversong&nbsp
Azshara, Ravencrest Monument, 72,85 **Skygleam
Blackrock Spire, Hall of Blackhand **Stonefort
Blasted Lands, 58,51 **Bellowrage
Burning Steppes, 64,24, left of steps **Dawnstrider
Burning Steppes, Blackrock Depths, (mid of Ring of Law) **Morndeep
Burning Steppes, Dreadmaul Rock, 82,47&nbsp **Rumblerock
Darkshore, Auberdine, 36,46&nbsp **Starweave
Desolace, Maraudon **Splitrock
Dun Morogh, Ironforge, The Mystic Ward **Bronzebeard
Dun Morogh, Kharanos, 46,51 **Goldwell
Durotar, Ogrimmar, Valley of Wisdom 41,33&nbsp **Darkhorn
Durotar, Razor Hill, 53,43&nbsp **Runetotem
Eastern Plaguelands, Crown Guard Tower, 39,75 **Windrun
Eastern Plaguelands, Stratholme **Farwhisper
Eastern Plaquelands, Light's Hope Chapel, 81,60 **Snowcrown
Elwynn Forest, Goldshire, 39,63 **Stormbrow
Elwynn Forest, Stormwind, The Park, 21,53 **Hammershout
Felwood, Jaedenar, 37,53 **Nightwind
Feralas, atop Lariss Pavilion, 76,37 **Grimtotem
Feralas, Dire Maul, The Razza, in arena pit, 62,31 **Mistwalker
Hinterlands, hill in center of zone behind Creeping Ruins, 50,48&nbsp **Highpeak
Loch Modan, Thelsamar, 33,46&nbsp **Silvervein
Mulgore, Bloodhoof Village, 48,53 Bridge **Bloodhoof
Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, The Elder Rise 72,23 **Proudhorn
Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36 **Ungriz
Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36 **Yorley
Searing Gorge, outside Blackchar Cave, 21, 79 **Ironband
Silithus, 23,12 (Far N, left part of the zone/Crystal Vale) **Primestone
Silithus, Cenarion Hold, 48,37 **Bladesing
Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher, 45,41&nbsp **Obsidian
Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay, 26,77 **Winterhoof
Stranglethorn Vale, Zul'Gurub, 53,18 **Starglade
Swamp of Sorrows, Sunken Temple, Dragonkin Floor **Starsong
Tanaris, Valley of Watchers, 36,80 **Ragetotem
Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, east of pool **Wildmane
Teldrassil,Darnassus,Cenurion Enclave,33,14 **Bladeswift
Teldrassil, Dolanaar 57,60 **Bladeleaf
The Barrens, Camp Taurajo 45,57 **High Mountain
The Barrens, Gadgetzan **Dreamseer
The Barrens, Ratchet, 62,36&nbsp **Windtotem
The Barrens, The Crossroads 51,30&nbsp **Moonwarden
Thousand Needles, Freewind Post, 45,50&nbsp **Skyseer
Thousand Needles, Mirage Raceway, 79,77 **Morningdew
Tirisfal Glades, Brill, 62,54 **Graveborn
Tirisfal Glades, Undercity,&nbsp 67, 38 entrance rotunda **Darkcore
Un�Goro Crater, Slithering Scar, 50,76 **Thunderhorn
Western Plaguelands, Weeping Cove, 65,47 **Meadowrun
Western Plaguelands, outside Scholomance, top of bldg, 69,73 **Moonstrike
Westfall, Sentinel Hill, 56,47&nbsp **Skychaser
Winterspring, 55,43 E side of lake**Brightspear
Winterspring, Everlook, 61,37&nbsp **Stonespire
Zangarmarsh, 44,69 **Kuruti
Rating: +32 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Here's who I was able to get by searching the latest Elders on Anonymous.&nbsp It's unknown whether all are included in the Lunar Festivities.
(Name, zone, location):

Bellowrage* Blasted Lands, 58,51
Bladeleaf* Teldrassil, Dolanaar 57,60
Bladesing* Silithus, Cenarion Hold, 48,37
Bladeswift* Teldrassil, Darnassus, Cenurion Enclave, 33,14&nbsp
Bloodhoof* Mulgore, Bloodhoof Village, 48,53 Bridge
Brightspear* Winterspring, 56,44 E side of lake
Bronzebeard* Dun Morogh, Ironforge, The Mystic Ward
Darkcore* Tirisfal Glades, Undercity,&nbsp 67, 38 entrance rotunda
Darkhorn* Durotar, Ogrimmar, Valley of Wisdom 41,33&nbsp
Dawnstrider* Burning Steppes, 64,24, left of steps
Dreamseer* The Barrens, Gadgetzan
Farwhisper* Eastern Plaguelands, Stratholme
Goldwell* Dun Morogh, Kharanos, 46,51
Graveborn* Tirisfal Glades, Brill, 62,54
Grimtotem* Feralas, atop Lariss Pavilion, 76,37
Hammershout* Elwynn Forest, Stormwind, The Park, 21,53
High Mountain* The Barrens, Camp Taurajo 45,57
Highpeak* Hinterlands, hill in center of zone behind Creeping Ruins, 50,48&nbsp
Ironband* Searing Gorge, outside Blackchar Cave, 21, 79
Kuruti* Zangarmarsh, 44,69
Meadowrun* Western Plaguelands, Weeping Cove, 65,47
Mistwalker* Feralas, Dire Maul, The Razza, in arena pit, 62,31
Moonstrike* Western Plaguelands, outside Scholomance, top of bldg, 69,73
Moonwarden* The Barrens, The Crossroads 51,30&nbsp
Morndeep* Burning Steppes, Blackrock Depths, (mid of Ring of Law)
Morningdew* Thousand Needles, Mirage Raceway, 79,77
Nightwind* Felwood, Jaedenar, 37,53
Obsidian* Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher, 45,41&nbsp
Primestone* Silithus, 23,12
Far north left part of the zone/Crystal Vale
Proudhorn* Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, The Elder Rise 72,23
Ragetotem* Tanaris, Valley of Watchers, 36,80
Riversong* Ashenvale, Astranaar, 35,48&nbsp
Rumblerock* Burning Steppes, Dreadmaul Rock, 82,47&nbsp
Runetotem* Durotar, Razor Hill, 53,43&nbsp
Silvervein* Loch Modan, Thelsamar, 33,46&nbsp
Skychaser* Westfall, Sentinel Hill, 56,47&nbsp
Skygleam* Azshara, Ravencrest Monument, 72,85
Skyseer* Thousand Needles, Freewind Post, 45,50&nbsp
Snowcrown* Eastern Plaquelands, Light's Hope Chapel, 81,60
Splitrock* Desolace, Maraudon
Starglade* Stranglethorn Vale, Zul'Gurub, 53,18
Starsong* Swamp of Sorrows, Sunken Temple, Dragonkin Floor
Starweave* Darkshore, Auberdine, 36,46&nbsp
Stonefort* Blackrock Spire, Hall of Blackhand
Stonespire* Winterspring, Everlook, 61,37&nbsp
Stormbrow* Elwynn Forest, Goldshire, 39,63
Thunderhorn* Un�Goro Crater, Slithering Scar, 50,76
Ungriz* Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36
Wildmane* Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, east of pool
Windrun* Eastern Plaguelands, Crown Guard Tower, 39,75
Windtotem* The Barrens, Ratchet, 62,36&nbsp
Winterhoof* Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay, 26, 77
Yorley* Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36
Rating: +22 [-] [+]
By waltlindsay on 02/06/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
Elder locations:

Blasted Lands - Elder Bellowrage, Dark Portal, just over the North lip of the crater
Burning Steppes - Elder Dawnstrider, Flamecrest, just West of the flight path, off the ramp
Burning Steppes - Elder Rumblerock, Dreadmaul Rock, to the right of the highest cave
Dun Morogh - Elder Goldwell, Kharanos, just North of the Inn along the outside wall
Eastern Plaguelands - Elder Windrun, Crown Guard Tower
Eastern Plaguelands - Elder Snowcrown, Light's Hope Chapel
Elwynn Forest - Elder Stormbrow, Goldshire, behind the blacksmith shop by the lake
Ironforge - Elder Bronzebeard, The Mystic Ward in the central pool
Loch Modan - Elder Silvervein, Thelsamar, on the graveyard hill (across from the Griffon Master)
Searing Gorge - Elder Ironband, Blackchar Cave
Silverpine Forest - Elder Obsidian, Sepulcher, at front gate
Stormwind - Elder Hammershout, The Park around the center
Stranglethorn Vale - Elder Winterhoof, Booty Bay, near the boat dock on the lowest level
Stranglethorn Vale - Elder Starglade, Zul'Gurub, right outside the instance portal to the south
The Hinterlands - Elder Highpeak, on the hill at The Creeping Ruin
The Undercity - Elder Darkcore, in the throne room at the city entrance
Tirisfal Glades - Elder Graveborn, Brill, by the Inn on the path
Western Plaguelands - Elder Moonstrike, Scholomance, right outside the instance on the roof of the portal building
Western Plaguelands - Elder Meadowrun, south of Weeping Cavern
Westfall - Elder Skychaser, top of the Sentinel Hill tower

Ashenvale - Elder Riversong, Astranaar, center of city in a gazebo
Azshara - Elder Skygleam, Ravencrest Monument, eastern tip of the fallen green statue
Darnassus - Elder Bladeswift, Cenarion Enclave
Darkshore - Elder Stargleam, Auberdine, just South of city along beach
Durotar - Elder Runetotem, Razor Hill, south of the Razor Hill Barracks
Felwood - Elder Nightwind, Jaedenar, North of the first cave, heading towards the river
Feralas - Elder Grimtotem, Lariss Pavilion
Feralas - Elder Mistwalker, Dire Maul, in the arena
Mulgore - Elder Bloodhoof, Bloodhoof Village, next to the bridge on the path leading to Thunder Bluff
Orgrimmar - Elder Darkhorn, outside Thrall's chamber in the Valley of Wisdom
Silithus - Elder Bladesing, Cenarion Hold, in the moonwell
Silithus - Elder Primestone, Crystal Vale, right before the North-west tent
Tanaris - Elder Ragetotem, Vallew of the Watchers, behind a pillar on the west side of the giants
Tanaris - Elder Dreamseer, Gadgetzan, south gate
Teldrassil - Elder Bladeleaf, Dolanaar, just South-East of the Inn next to a moonwell
The Barrens - Elder Windtotem, Ratchet, near where the engineer trainer/suppliers are in the North.
The Barrens - Elder Moonwarden, The Crossroads, near flight path
The Barrens - Elder High Mountain, Camp Taurajo, east gate
Thunder Bluff - Elder Proudhorn, Elder Rise
Thousand Needles - Elder Skyseer, Freewind Post
Thousand Needles - Elder Morningdew, Mirage Raceway, next to the start/finish line
Un'goro Crater - Elder Thunderhorn, Slithering Scar, just north of the underground hive.
Winterspring - Elder Brightspear, Ruins of Kel'theril, south-east of the frozen lake in the ruins
Winterspring - Elder Stonespire, Everlook, outside the bank

Elder Farwhisper - Eastern Plaguelands, 'streets of Stratholme' on the undead side
Elder Starsong - Swamp of Sorrows, Sunken Temple, somewhere near dragons
Elder Morndeep - Blackrock Depths, Ring of Law, middle of the arena floor
Elder Stonefort - Blackrock Spire, LBRS, past the first bridge
Elder Wildmane - Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, next to Gahz'rilla's pool
Elder Splitrock - Desolace, Maraudon, between Rotgrip and the Inventor
Last edited by waltlindsay on 02/06/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
Rating: +12 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
it's at 53,35
Rating: +11 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
loch modan
searing gorge black something cave (sw corner map)
booty bay
cave above dreadmaul rock Burning stepps
sentinel hill westfall
sunken temple
outside zg (three 53 elites guarding it)

most of these are in towns just look for a person standing around w/ a big light pillar surrounding them.

anyway add to it
Rating: +9 [-] [+]
By kreghx on 12/13/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
He is located at 53, 35.
Rating: +9 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
how many coins can you collet...

and anyone have the places where you can collect them from?

so far i know

Elder Darkcore - UC
Elder Darkhorn- Orgrimmar
Elder Ironband- Blackchar Cave in Searing George
Elder Moonstrike - Schlomance in Western Plaguelands
Elder Proudhorn - TB
Elder Highpeak- Hinterlands from a hill in center
Elder Obsidian - Sepulcher
Dont know name but one in Brill
Elder Runetotem Razor Hill/Druotar
Elder Windtotem- Ratchet

if you guys have info about other ones please add them here :) thanks
Rating: +9 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)

on this link someone actually has a map /w exact locs and all locations for both horde/alliance

thought it would be helpful
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Warhead on 05/24/2007 (Patch 2.1.0)
Do this quest at level 1, which is very possible, and reap the insane experience rewards ;)
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
They Nerfed the XP.&nbsp I just did the quest at level 1 and got only 650, putting me at level 2. My brother created a new character a few days ago and did the quest and got the full 4950, putting him at level 5. Darn my procrastination!
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
burning steppes loc is 82.46, outside the cave, but up in the mountains, you probably have to kill few lvl 50s on ur way. SW look in&nbsp The Park area, Darnassus druid teacher area (ask guard if you havent been there). speaking with elders gets you +50 rep points (not human) with all alliance or all horde cities. so pretty nice rep gain if u manage to talk to 15 of them.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Only the original starting principal cities (Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Undercity, Ogrimmar, Thunderbluff) have the Lunar Festivities.&nbsp So if you are in Silvermoon City, you will need to take the transporter into the Undercity to start the Lunar Festival there.&nbsp

Valadar's sister, who is next to him in Moonglade, will offer other patterns & recipes for the coins, if you are high enough in level.&nbsp Things such as the festival suits & dresses, how to make fireworks, cluster rockets & also the launchers of same.&nbsp If you see a blue question mark over her head, then you are high enough :)

One bug about collecting the coins though.&nbsp Any of the Elders that people may have visited last year '06, will not offer you a coin this year.&nbsp So unless you have something you are collecting the coins for, or you just want the faction, you may want to wait until you need them next year.&nbsp I'm not sure that the coins will stay preserved in your bank after the festival is over.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
1st of all u get the coins from elders around the world i think in all zones.

2nd u have to use the invitation at the mysic ward in&nbsp ironforg or the park in stormwind or somewhere in darnassus
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
i know where to get the coins but what do i do with the coins? is the only thing u can do with them buy items like lunar pants suit and lunar dress? is there something more to the coins of ancestry? cuz i dont want to spend my coins on something stupid then find out later i could have used them for something better
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I did this quest at lvl 1
U get like 1250 exp, so i did go to lvl 3 at once
pritty nice exp for a lvl 1 dude.,,
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Bearcaat on 02/07/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
Is this quest a requirement before you can get the quest for the tailoring patterns? I have not done this quest...and tried to get the tailoring patterns last night but neither npc in Moonglade had it for me (im level 70, 375 tailoring...and yes i had enough Coins on me). HELP!!
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Daddar on 02/16/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I got 75silver at level 70 for turning this in to Valadar.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
I talked with Valadar and recieved one coin.. how do I get more?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Does anyone know where the person is who transports you to Moonglade from silvermoon ? and where the silvermoon elder is (if there is one)and if there is a elder in the ghostlands also .... thanks ..... there should be one cause i think that silvermoon is a capital city right?... i just really want pink festival dress .... thanks
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/02/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
how do you get to moonglade if you are a noob?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I was 17 lvl and I got only 1250 XP
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/27/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
53, 35
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/28/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
As level 8, I got 4950XP.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/05/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
i have ignored this quest for a time, now i find that invitation has dissapeared from my inventory but quest is not classified in my quest managing tool as seasonal so i dont know if i should abandon this quest or not.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/18/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Is it 53,35 at UC?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/08/2006 (Patch 1.9.3)
Today's patch nerfed this quest. You now only get 650 xp.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/10/2006 (Patch 1.9.3)
he is located at 53,35
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/16/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Got 1250 at level 40.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/19/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
it needs Moonlight for transportation. What is Moonlight and where can i find it?

Edited, Feb 19th 2007 8:44am by eudimonia
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/18/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
Confirmed at location: 53,35

Confirmed XP: 1250

For me achieved at lvl 40
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/21/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
You have to stand in the light and use the invitation that will send you to moonglade also works to send you back to a city.

Annoying thing is the 5 minute cooldown.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By OkkE on 02/16/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I got 1250 XP at level 53.
Show comment   Rating: -1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
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By Anonymous on 02/22/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
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By Anonymous on 01/16/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)