Valadar Starsong
Use your Lunar Festival Invitation in the moonlight to travel to Moonglade. Speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven when you arrive.Description
Now that you have your Lunar Festival invitation, you may travel to Moonglade! There you will find many revelers, and in the village of Nighthaven Valadar Starsong and his sister Fariel await those eager to participate in the celebration.Travel to Moonglade through the greater moonlight and speak with Valadar Starsong; see what prizes you might gain during the festival!
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Stormwind City
Stormwind City
Stormwind City
Stormwind City
Stormwind City
Stormwind City
Stormwind City
You will also receive: 0Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 650 experience ( 3 90 at max. level)
Ashenvale, Astranaar, 35,48  **Riversong 
Azshara, Ravencrest Monument, 72,85 **Skygleam
Blackrock Spire, Hall of Blackhand **Stonefort
Blasted Lands, 58,51 **Bellowrage
Burning Steppes, 64,24, left of steps **Dawnstrider
Burning Steppes, Blackrock Depths, (mid of Ring of Law) **Morndeep
Burning Steppes, Dreadmaul Rock, 82,47  **Rumblerock
Darkshore, Auberdine, 36,46  **Starweave
Desolace, Maraudon **Splitrock
Dun Morogh, Ironforge, The Mystic Ward **Bronzebeard
Dun Morogh, Kharanos, 46,51 **Goldwell
Durotar, Ogrimmar, Valley of Wisdom 41,33  **Darkhorn
Durotar, Razor Hill, 53,43  **Runetotem
Eastern Plaguelands, Crown Guard Tower, 39,75 **Windrun
Eastern Plaguelands, Stratholme **Farwhisper
Eastern Plaquelands, Light's Hope Chapel, 81,60 **Snowcrown
Elwynn Forest, Goldshire, 39,63 **Stormbrow
Elwynn Forest, Stormwind, The Park, 21,53 **Hammershout
Felwood, Jaedenar, 37,53 **Nightwind
Feralas, atop Lariss Pavilion, 76,37 **Grimtotem
Feralas, Dire Maul, The Razza, in arena pit, 62,31 **Mistwalker
Hinterlands, hill in center of zone behind Creeping Ruins, 50,48  **Highpeak
Loch Modan, Thelsamar, 33,46  **Silvervein
Mulgore, Bloodhoof Village, 48,53 Bridge **Bloodhoof
Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, The Elder Rise 72,23 **Proudhorn
Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36 **Ungriz
Nagrand, Mag'hari Procession, 32, 36 **Yorley
Searing Gorge, outside Blackchar Cave, 21, 79 **Ironband
Silithus, 23,12 (Far N, left part of the zone/Crystal Vale) **Primestone
Silithus, Cenarion Hold, 48,37 **Bladesing
Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher, 45,41  **Obsidian
Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay, 26,77 **Winterhoof
Stranglethorn Vale, Zul'Gurub, 53,18 **Starglade
Swamp of Sorrows, Sunken Temple, Dragonkin Floor **Starsong
Tanaris, Valley of Watchers, 36,80 **Ragetotem
Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, east of pool **Wildmane
Teldrassil,Darnassus,Cenurion Enclave,33,14 **Bladeswift
Teldrassil, Dolanaar 57,60 **Bladeleaf
The Barrens, Camp Taurajo 45,57 **High Mountain
The Barrens, Gadgetzan **Dreamseer
The Barrens, Ratchet, 62,36  **Windtotem
The Barrens, The Crossroads 51,30  **Moonwarden
Thousand Needles, Freewind Post, 45,50  **Skyseer
Thousand Needles, Mirage Raceway, 79,77 **Morningdew
Tirisfal Glades, Brill, 62,54 **Graveborn
Tirisfal Glades, Undercity,  67, 38 entrance rotunda **Darkcore
Un�Goro Crater, Slithering Scar, 50,76 **Thunderhorn
Western Plaguelands, Weeping Cove, 65,47 **Meadowrun
Western Plaguelands, outside Scholomance, top of bldg, 69,73 **Moonstrike
Westfall, Sentinel Hill, 56,47  **Skychaser
Winterspring, 55,43 E side of lake**Brightspear
Winterspring, Everlook, 61,37  **Stonespire
Zangarmarsh, 44,69 **Kuruti