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Dearest Colara,

Deliver Lieutenant Heldric's Carefully Penned Note to Colara Dean outside the bank in Stormwind.
Carefully Penned Note
Provided Item:
Carefully Penned Note


I've got to keep watch here at the gate, but I'm always worrying about my sweetheart, Colara. I only get to see her for a few hours, if I'm lucky, and well, just look at me. I've got a minor officer's pay and I could be called to the front any day now.

Would she just forget about me? There are a lot of men in the city. A lot of rich ones.

Anyways, I've scribbled some things down... nothing much, but if you could take it to her for me, that'd be great.




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Rating: +16 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/10/2007 (Patch 2.0.6)
ok this is the answer to this first glance worthless quest. i was plagued by this last year and it ticked me off so much i had to know but no answers anwhere to be found. this quest is somewhat useless but does have a point. if youll notice that quest can be taken from one person in each city DS, SW, IF, but all end in the same place at the same person colara in "SW". i couldnt figure out why i could accept this quest with some guys and not others. the point of this quest is to take you from whatever major city you were in and take you to colara because standing next to her is the guy who gives the major V-day dress or suit quest. if you take thsi dearest colara quest and turn it in the guy standing next to her speaks up and says yoohoo "yournamehere" come here i must speak with you and then you get the quest to find out the source of the strange perfume and cologne. tada the long missing answer. its just to take you to that guy by the fountain in "SW" no xp no reward. the reason i could accept it with some chars and not others is becasue the ones i couldnt accept it for were the ones i had already gotten the dress or v-day suite with and the ones i could accept it with hadnt gotten or done the dress or suite quest yet
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/10/2007 (Patch 2.0.6)
im a lvl 40 NE and cant grab this q from any of the 3 guys. i completed the apothecary and the bundle of gifts quests but they still dont give me a q (i tried talkin to them before doing any qs too). any ideas?
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/10/2006 (Patch 1.9.3)
There seem to be two Dearest Colara quests, but I was never able to get this one. I'm not sure its even valid.

I got the quest from the Dwarf in Ironforge, who wants you to go to Stormwind.

The Lieutenant guy who gives this is seconds around the corner from Colara, it doesn't make sense. He's not at the Gates as the quest text describes either.

But the point of this NPC's existence is a mystery to me...
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By Feannag on 02/12/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)