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  • Level: 60
  • Requires level: 50
  • Side: Alliance
  • Sharable
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A Light in Dark Places

Find and touch the bonfires located within Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul, Scholomance, and Stratholme, then return to the Festival Flamekeeper.
Flame of Blackrock Spire
Flame of Dire Maul
Flame of the Scholomance
Flame of the Scholomance


We are not the only ones who celebrate this holiday, <name>. All creatures, all cultures, are touched by the flame. Even in the darkest places, the fires are being lit.

If you wish to see them for yourself, travel into the depths. Seek out the bonfires burning within Stratholme, Scholomance, among the ogres of Dire Maul, and the halls of Blackrock Spire itself; I will await your return.




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You will receive:
Captured Flame
Burning Blossom
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4950 experience ( 29 70 at max. level)


Rating: +77 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
Dire Maul fire is after Guard Slip'kik.
Stratholme fire is on the Scarlet side, by Timmy!
Blackrock Spire fire is on the Lower part, near the Ogre Tribute pile.
Scholomance fire is in the Viewing Room.
Rating: +34 [-] [+]
By JizaWatson on 04/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
The Scholomance Flame is located in the Viewing Room
Stratholme: Crusader Square
LBRS: Urok Doomhowl's event site (5-man this, inaccessible from raiding.)
Dire Maul: In the room where you get the Ogre Tannin.
Rating: +21 [-] [+]
By Izichial on 06/22/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
Stealth guide:

DM North:
From the entrance, walk across the courtyard, avoiding the dogs (which have stealth detection). Hug the wall and walk into the next courtyard, keeping to the right and avoiding patrols with dogs in them. Sneak past the ogre group around the corner, and continue forwards until you reach the plant mobs. Sneak up the ramp and to the middle of the area. Loot the chest for the key, and walk to and through the door at the far north end of the courtyard. Continue down the corridor, into the room beyond and take to the left. Up the ramp, and the flame is just to the left. Be careful of the patrolling Eye, since it will probably see you standing by the flame when it comes past.

+ All guards can be killed for loot (vendor or Large Brilliant Shards, plus DM books). Just be careful to pull them away from nearby mobs, since they call for help and enrage when reaching low hp. A tailorer or leatherworker may enjoy a Gordok Shackle Key which leads to http://classicdb.ch/?item=18250.

Straholme (scarlet):
Use the main entrance. Stealth past the first group of mobs to be greeted by a wall of see-through-stealth zombies on an appropriate moment (the zombies move around, some patrol). Hug the left side, and jump over the stairs of the first building. Continue hugging the left wall until the corner, from here walk in the middle between the mob groups, watch out for patrolling Patchwork Horrors and zombies. Walk up the the gate. A druid can run in, pop barkskin and Hurricane the rats, a rogue could do it with a grenade. It's also possible simply to single kill every rat, or start in stealth, pop dash/spring and run through - you get out on the other side before it closes, after which the summoned rats will start patrolling in packs. After the gate, run between the packs up front to the other side (*), turn left and hug the wall. Stealth into the scarlet area and touch the flame.

+ Hearthsinger Forresten (http://classicdb.ch/?npc=10558) has one of his spawnpoints @ (*). Kill if there/you want.
+ After touching the fire you might want to massacre the area for possible Righteous Orb(s) or BoE dungeon set 1 pieces. This will also spawn Timmy(!).

After entering, immediately jump down to the left, hugging the wall. Open the Iron Gate (kicks you out of stealth, make sure the patrols are heading away from you or are far away). Restealth, walk over to the doorway to the left and into The Great Ossuary. Jump down the first hole to the left, sneak across the room to somewhere near the door and wait until the mobs have moved aside enough for you to pull Rattlegore. Kill him, loot the Viewing Room key and sneak back up the stairs and back to the room you first jumped down into. Walk and jump into the corner by the Viewing Room door and open the door. It's possible without pulling the mobs, just stand as far into the corner you can while still reaching the door. Restealth, sneak into the viewing room and touch the flame.

+ The Scholomance key is probably the hardest (and rarest) of the old dungeon keys to get. It's a far run, but you you can take off your gear and kite a melee mob from Sorrow Hill to the entrance of Scholomance. Druids have the easiest time doing this, use r1 moonfire. Die, ghostrun through the door, ressurect. Or, get help from a keyholder.

Blackrock Spire:
After entering, sneak across the room to the right, jump down. Head into the corridor (watch out for the patrol) and immediately when you come out on the other side, take right and jump down. Jump down to the next out sticking ledge, and then down onto the floor. Sneak through the "corridor" of orcs, and then up the area with spiders. Be mindful of the patrols and Mother Smolderweb. When you reach Mother Smolderweb, jump up on the beam and sneak across past the spiders. After you've cleared them, head up to the ogres. Walk through the group, stand on the edge and touch the flame.


Silverblood (druid)
Rating: +20 [-] [+]
By Shalkis on 06/22/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
This is soloable by a mage at level 70.

Lower Blackrock Spire:
This is easy up to Mother Smolderweb. To get to her, run past the first few groups until you enter the main spire. Jump down from the right side of the first platform to reach a walkway that leads to the "orc alley". Run past them and blink past the last group before Mother Smolderweb. Here you should use one Invisibility to get past the first spider group, then wait 5 minutes at the upper walkway and use another Invisibility to get past the second group. Run past the ogres and polymorph the closest one to the flame if you have to. Jump down to the walkway you used earlier and teleport out.

Dire Maul North:
There are some packs of AoEable critters on the opposite side of the first room. Get rid of them and find the spot where the wall has collapsed and there's a big pile of dirt next to it. Pull Guard Mol'dar and run back to the collapsed wall. When he gets close, jump to the pile of dirt and he turns around and tries to find an alternate path to you. Jump back and hit him when he is in range. Jump back to the pile of dirt. Repeat until he's dead and loot the courtyard key from him. Continue to the courtyard, avoiding any patrols and groups. As a rule, caster ogres are easy since you resist most of their spells, so if you have to fight, polymorph a melee ogre and kill the casters first. Use the key and open the courtyard door. Kill the two ogre packs and the AoEable critters before the frost trap. Use Invisibility and run up to the platform where the tannin (and the flame) is. Teleport out.

Scarlet Stratholme:
Enter through the main entrance. AoE the first pack. Use Invisibility and avoid the ghouls, they can see you. You should barely have time to reach the trapped portcullis on the left. AoE the rats and wait for your Invisibility cooldown. Use an another Invisibility to reach the Crusaders' Square. Wait for your Invisibility cooldown or kill the first two Scarlets to reach the flame. Teleport out.

Kill the first few skeletons and the patrols if you need to. Avoid the humanoids, they have a relatively small aggro radius. Keep opening the iron gates and head towards Rattlegore. Polymorph the whelp handlers and AoE the whelps. You should at most be fighting 3-5 whelps at a time. Clear the whole whelp room. Proceed to Rattlegore's room and kill the adds one by one. When both Rattlegore's room and the whelp room are empty, fire at Rattlegore and run up. Head to the furthest pit and keep casting Fireblasts / Ice Lances while Rattlegore tries to catch you. When he does, jump down. Now you have some time for a bandage or an Evocation. When Rattlegore runs back down, blink past him and run back up to the pit. Repeat until Rattlegore is dead. A Water Elemental is handy here, since it can keep firing while you are running. Loot the Viewing Room key from Rattlegore. Open the iron gate leading to the Viewing Room and go back to the entrance of Scholmance. Carefully manouver yourself to the edge of the bridge and fire at one of the magic-immune skeletons next to the door. Since you opened all of the iron gates, he should start running through Scholomance to reach you, along with his buddies. When he does, jump down, open the door with your Viewing Room key and use Invisibility. Touch the flame and teleport out.
Rating: +12 [-] [+]
By Toridas on 06/21/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
This quest is picked up from the Festival Flamekeeper in your favorite capital city. The flamekeeper in Stormwind is in the canal district, between the two entrances to the mage quarter.

If you are level 70 you will not be able to see any exclamation point above the NPC's head because the quests are too far below your level.
Rating: +11 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
It is possible, but its hard...

The bonfire its on Dm NORTH, as a rogue you have to be careful with

1- dogs that see stealth and dogs patrols.
2- that poison balls that pop when u come close and dot you
3- eye of kilrogg, there is 2 in the way u gonna need to kill it far from the other mobs, if u dont kill the eyes they gonna summon 2 elite voidwalkers that see in stealth.

when u enter in dm, go to the left, until u find the first 2 dogs then u go up the ramp, wait for the guard, be careful with dog patrols, get the key from the middle, open door, go through and be careful with eye of kilrogg, if u see on go far from the other ogres and kill the eye with amubush, the second eye is harder, u probably gonna stay in combat after u kill him, so vanish fast.. at the bonfire if u dont have IMP. Sap u gonna need some kind of pet to distract the mobs while u open the flame, i used the Cinder Bracer from fire festival that summon a fire elemental and the Baron Peasant Caller.. go naked with a dagger if u dont want to spend so much gold with repairs, its very tricky but is possible, good luck =)
Rating: +10 [-] [+]
By Breanni on 02/22/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
Unfortunately as of patch 2.4, this quest is no longer be accessible. However, if you have the quest in your quest log from last year, you will be able to return it and claim the minipet reward.

The Spirit of Summer minipet rewarded from this quest will now be purchasable during the event for 350 Burning Blossoms. Players will be able to earn Burning Blossoms via special Midsummer Fire Festival quests.
Last edited by Breanni on 04/09/2008 (Patch 2.4.1)
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
Just a little notice. There may be an ogre mage standing too close to the fire, but if you just wait a little, he'll wander off for a while.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
... Is fricking crazy.&nbsp Have tried this so many times.&nbsp Once you finally get past the dogs and kill both the eyes, with no imp sap you'll have to sap/blind/gouge.&nbsp Everything has to be perfect.&nbsp One time he parried my gouge, another i got a slowing effect.&nbsp By the time you run back the eyes will respawn in like 15 min or so.&nbsp And then the dogs.&nbsp Don't even get me started.&nbsp Kudos to you if you have imp sap and preperation... it will be real easy.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
i just soloed the lbrs one and the dm one, dm is tricky but you can avoid the dogs, need to make sure you kill both eyes as well.&nbsp the real problem is that&nbsp when you click the flam you are close enough to aggrop one mob, but if you have imp sapp you can sapp the closest mob and then get it aggro free :-) scholo and strat you will need a group though.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
I just finihed the quest, turned in and got my Flame spirit (which is great and red, not pink as others have said).

However, as soon as I turned in the Quest Giver asked me to go back and do it again but the offered reward is ony the flowers and not the spirit.&nbsp Does anyone know if there is a bonus reward of some kind?&nbsp Like int eh cas eof the Fire Festival Hat?&nbsp And if so, what it might be?&nbsp Thanks.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/28/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
Combat rogue here, didn't have imp sap or imp gouge. Sapped ogre, blinded the demon and then used my Peasent caller trinklet to distract the other guy.
He still managed to hit me with 2 fireballs before the peasents took agro. I ended up dying but completed the quest.

And watch the eyes, kill em asap, if they spawn the demons its pretty much over and youre gona have to reset.

LBRS Was really easy just wait for the ogre to walk back hug the wall on the left go to the edge and click, theyre too far to agro you.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
LBRS - on the platform where the Urok event happens ( look to your right as you enter the first open-air hallway )

Stratholme - in the first area in live-side

checking the others out after raid time
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Angra on 06/22/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
Just soloed it as a warrior (arms-fury with decent gear).

Scholo part is by far the easiest and fastest. I killed just like 20 monsters including Rattlegore. Most packs can be avoided, even in that room with little dragonkins where I killed just one pack. Skellies have stun => more life and rage from Second Wind talent. Actually their stun worked better than my bandages.

LBRS is easy too. Packs of orcs aren't that hard and some of them also can be avoided, and Mother Smolderweb has skill that activates Second Wind as well. Only problem is two packs with two elite spiders and few non-elites, but still manageable without too much problem.

Stratholme is hardest part I'd say. Packs aren't easy and it is impossible (or very difficult) to avoid them. I killed like 40+ mobs in there on my way to the flame. But real problem are Ghouls. They got debuff that slows your health regeneration by 100% for 10 minutes, plus you getting 150 damage every 10 seconds in the duration of debuff. This debuff means you won't get any benefits from eating, so you just have to wait these 10 minutes until it ends. There are few ghouls patrolling between regular packs of skellies and zombies, some of them can be avoided but not all.
Rats are annoying as well since warriors aren't really good in AoE. Whirlwind and thunderclap will help you, but prepare for quite long and boring fight. As soon as you skip skellies, it is done. You'll have to kill just two scarlet to get to flame.

Dire Maul isn't really difficult, just watch around for patrols. Packs in courtyard are quite strong but those are only you have to kill. I killed one of the Guards (one who need to be freezed) because he got aggroed when I was busy killing one of the packs. Spent recklessness on him and super healing potion (I was on 35% when he attacked me).

This quest seems like a challenge for a warrior. I've missed this event last year so I decided to spend few hours to do this quest. Really enjoyed doing it, was fun.

Good luck with the quest, hope this information will be useful for you *waves*
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Nechrom on 06/23/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
One-manned this with my lvl 70 hunter.

The only mobs I ever had to kill was some of Rattlegore's adds and ofc Rattlegore himself.

As a hunter, you would probably gain most from going through the alternative entrance to Strat (undead side) to avoid the rat-trap, most of the skeleton and ghoul packs have such a low aggro radius that you can sneak past them along the walls, and when you do pull them, go to your closest safe-spot and feign death.

In Dire Maul it's much harder to get past the mobs without aggroing them, so be ready to run and feign alot. But aside from that there's nothing fancy.

In LBRS you only need to run and feign at the last orcs before the spiders, at the first spider group (before Smolderweb) and at the last spider group. Everything else is possible to sneak past without aggroing, including Smolderweb.

Scholo is pretty straight forward. Jump down from the balcony before the first gate, run to the small stairs and feign. Avoid the patrols in the big room past the gate and hug the left wall in the whelp room and try to time the whelp and handler movements as you move forward. No killing or feigning needed. When you get to Rattlegore's room, pull his adds one by one and kill as many as you want to, so you feel comfortable pulling Rattlegore. The adds should be auto-shotted until they enrage in order for your pet to build aggro so you can nuke them when they enrage. As a BM hunter this should be alot easier than it was for me as MM, but just so you know you don't have to be BM.
Rattlegore is pretty easy, he does some low dps attacks and stuns your pet. Just manage your aggro and feign if he stuns your pet and ofc you should have mend pet ticking all the time (duh).
After you get the key from Rattlegore, head back to the stairs leading down to the room with the viewing room door. Wait for the "spiders" to pass and then run to the center of the room. Every mob in that room has very low aggro radius, including the spider patrols so you should be able to avoid them and make your way to the other side of the room. Hugging that wall and going to your right (towards the viewing room door) behind those big-ass candelabra in the corner, sneak close enough to the door so you can unlock it. The skeletons and ghouls shouldn't aggro and you can make it past them through the door without them noticing, but if they do you have lots of space to feign on inside the viewing room.

I never used anything that not all lvl 70 hunters have. You could probably make it through the rat trap with Improved Barrage and engineering grenades, but it's not needed if you have the Strat gate-key. But if you have neither I suggest stripping your gear before going into the rat trap to "disarm" it, then just release and run back.

Please reply if you have any questions regarding doing this as a lvl 70 hunter.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By DanJack on 06/20/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)

This has changed again as of 2.4.3

You can now buy it for! 350 Burning Blossom during the Midsummer Fire Festival -

Quicklink to Burning Blossom: http://classicdb.ch/?item=23247
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Nabor on 06/21/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)
Confirmed, as of June 21 there is no fire in DM north
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/27/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
You can't leave party in a 10 man raid for LBRS. It gives you message that you entered Dungeon in a raid and won't let you update quest this way.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/25/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
Just soloed the Scholo part as a paladin , had a spare key .

1 - Jump down , bubble , open door , die .
2 - Jump down , run twards the viewing room , use instant heals at low health to run further , bubble , touch flame , die .

And thats it , with only two deaths .

I didnt need heals , i just bubbled at low health and touched the flame but i was cuting it close with bubble and flame opening time and as a backup i had the twisting nether trinket .

This can also be 2 maned provided you have the key .

First person jumps down and drags mobs away from the door , then the second person opens the door and runs in and touches the flame . If the second person ( one with the key ) can rez , the first person heads twards the viewing room after its opened and tryes to die as close to the door as he can and wait for a rez . If not , when the first person comes back after he dies , the second person will run back and draw the mobs away from the door so the first person can jump down safley and touch the flame .

And with only 1-2 deaths .

Thats all there is to it . Saves you time for the other dungeons .
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
Just tried doing the LBRs part with a ten man raid and did not get credit for touching the fire. Has to be five manned.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
For those interested in what the Spirit of Summer looks like: Click Here.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
scholo.. the viewing room
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/30/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
just soloed the dire maul bonfire.. very dificult tho...

Stealth run...
just have to be VERY careful with
1- Hyenas and patrols of Hyenas..
2- Fruits in the ground that pop and dot u..
3- Eye of killrog that see in stealth as well

u gonna need to get a key near a guard, just wait him to go far so u can get that from the chest..

at the bonfire u gonna need some kind of pet to hold agro while u get the flame and baron peasant caller help as well.. i used the cinder bracer from fire festival.. go naked to learn the patrols and where is the eye of kilrog if u dont like to pay repairs (only use a dagger to kill eye of kilrogg fast).. good luck =)
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
wich of them? east/west or north?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/22/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
LBRS - Urok Doomhowl's event Area.

Scholo - Viewing Room (with all the neutral people).

Strath - Right before you enter the Scarlet Crusades building on Live Side.

Dire Maul - Up the ramp after the are were you freeze the ogre(Goblin area).

Edited, Wed Jun 21 17:33:22 2006
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/29/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
I completed this quest in a way that required almost no effort on my part: I waited until guildies were almost done with runs of the four dungeons, then asked them if I could sneak in to light the flame after one of the party members left.
Worked like a charm, four times in a row.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/05/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
The fire things are they INSIDE or OUTSIDE the instance portal? if inside it is very bad for a rogue... they can't stealth in stratholme =S all mobs (undead mobs) have Greater stealth detection :(
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/30/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
after you complete it once, it gives you another quest asking you to do the same thing......what happenes if you do it again? besides get 10 of those damn things? is there a follow up quest?
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 06/23/2006 (Patch 1.11.0)
as a 60 hunter with a bear pet, i was able to FD run to the flame, but I FD'd too soon, so i was in aggro range of the orges..


better luck next time.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By gnuelxela on 06/28/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
quest takable at lvl 50
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By armuri on 02/24/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
Even though this quest will no longer be available to be picked up, it seems that if you still have the quest in your log from last year, you can still turn it in! I only completed half the quest last summer so I kept it. I have copied my character onto the PTR and I found an NPC in Ironforge named Earthen Ring Elder who you can turn the quest in to. Although I'm pretty sure I won't be able to complete it because I don't think the fires will be in the instances anymore.

But no need to worry if you haven't gotten the pet yet! You will be able to buy the Captured Flame for 350 Burning Blossoms, which are obtainable from various new quests during the event.
Last edited by armuri on 03/31/2008 (Patch 2.4.0) – edited 6 times
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By Lightophile on 06/21/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By Luciferhawke on 06/22/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By skyoverheaven on 06/23/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By firekid on 06/23/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By Gikka on 07/04/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By skyoverheaven on 06/25/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By skyoverheaven on 06/25/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
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By skyoverheaven on 06/25/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)