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Grizzly Gloves

Grizzly Gloves
41 Armor
Durability 20 / 20
Requires Level 9


Burning Blade Crusher13A HHumanoid0.7
Gazz'uz14DurotarA HHumanoid0.5123
Earthborer13 - 14
Ragefire ChasmA HBeast0.4159
Rare Elite
DarkshoreA HDemon0.34
Muck Frenzy14 - 15The BarrensA HBeast0.3367
Searing Blade Warlock13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.2921
Ragefire Trogg13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.2737
Southsea Cutthroat12 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.2632
Searing Blade Cultist13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.2546
Molten Elemental13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HElemental0.2262
Searing Blade Enforcer13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.2217
Kolkar Packhound13The BarrensA HBeast0.2195
Faltering Silithid Flayer11 - 14
A HUncategorized0.2
Kodo Matriarch11 - 12MulgoreA HBeast0.1894
Ragefire Shaman13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.184
Cliff Stormer15 - 17Stonetalon MountainsA HBeast0.18
Zhevra Runner13 - 14The BarrensA HBeast0.1763
Southsea Privateer12 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.1658
Rare Elite
The BarrensA HDemon0.16
Deviate Coiler15 - 16
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.154
Moonkin Oracle13 - 14DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.1517
Greymist Netter14 - 15DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.1514
Lost Barrens Kodo14 - 15The BarrensA HBeast0.1456
Elder Mystic Razorsnout15
The BarrensA HHumanoid0.14
Deepmoss Hatchling14A HBeast0.1383
Grimtotem Brute15 - 16Stonetalon MountainsA HHumanoid0.1369
Witchwing Harpy14 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.1361
Felweaver Scornn11
DurotarA HHumanoid0.133
Savannah Huntress11 - 12The BarrensA HBeast0.1328
Kolkar Pack Runner14 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.1324
Grimtotem Ruffian14 - 15Stonetalon MountainsA HHumanoid0.1314
Fleeting Plainstrider12 - 13The BarrensA HBeast0.1297
Sunscale Screecher13 - 15The BarrensA HBeast0.1271
Grimtotem Mercenary14 - 15Stonetalon MountainsA HHumanoid0.1262
Deviate Creeper15 - 16
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.1249
Razormane Mystic13 - 14The BarrensA HHumanoid0.1221
Tide Crawler13 - 14DarkshoreA HBeast0.12
Kreenig Snarlsnout15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.12
Raging Moonkin12 - 14DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.1184
Greymist Seer13 - 14DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.1183
Moonstalker14 - 15DarkshoreA HBeast0.1134
Gamon12OrgrimmarA HHumanoid0.1023
Venture Co. Peon13 - 14The BarrensA HHumanoid0.1006
Barrens Giraffe15 - 16The BarrensA HBeast0.0996
Kolkar Bloodcharger14 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.099
Greymist Warrior15 - 16DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0989
Blackwood Windtalker13 - 14DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0986
Rabid Thistle Bear13 - 14DarkshoreA HBeast0.0974
Moonstalker Runt16 - 17DarkshoreA HBeast0.0943
Deviate Stalker15 - 17
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.0934
Thistle Bear11 - 12DarkshoreA HBeast0.0926
Venture Co. Drudger14 - 15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0857
Darkshore Thresher12 - 14DarkshoreA HBeast0.0855
Savannah Prowler14 - 15The BarrensA HBeast0.0836
Wailing Highborne12 - 13DarkshoreA HUndead0.0831
Kolkar Stormer13 - 14The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0809
Razormane Hunter11 - 12The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0808
Coastal Frenzy14 - 15DarkshoreA HBeast0.08
Savannah Highmane12 - 13The BarrensA HBeast0.08
Shade of Elura11DarkshoreA HUndead0.08
Tazan13The BarrensA HHumanoid0.08
Lady Sathrah12TeldrassilA HBeast0.077
Southsea Cannoneer13 - 14The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0753
Foreststrider14 - 16DarkshoreA HBeast0.0719
Giant Webwood Spider10 - 11TeldrassilA HBeast0.061
Greymist Raider11 - 12DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.06
Corrupted Mottled Boar10 - 11DurotarA HBeast0.06
Savannah Patriarch15 - 16The BarrensA HBeast0.06
Young Moonkin11 - 12DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.06
Lunaclaw12A HBeast0.06
Wild Grell11 - 12DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0577
Hecklefang Hyena15 - 16The BarrensA HBeast0.0558
Stormscale Wave Rider15 - 16DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0532
Enforcer Emilgund11
Rare Elite
MulgoreA HHumanoid0.05
Kolkar Stormseer15 - 16A HHumanoid0.0475
Grimtotem Sorcerer15 - 16Stonetalon MountainsA HHumanoid0.0471
Deth'ryll Satyr12 - 13DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0468
Blackwood Pathfinder12 - 13DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0459
Kodo Bull10 - 11MulgoreA HBeast0.04
Fizzle Darkstorm12DurotarA HHumanoid0.04
Rare Elite
The BarrensA HHumanoid0.04
Greater Plainstrider11 - 12The BarrensA HBeast0.0382
Foreststrider Fledgling11 - 13DarkshoreA HBeast0.0381
Razormane Geomancer12 - 13The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0381
Venture Co. Mercenary15 - 16The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0354
Moonkin12 - 13DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0352
Razormane Defender12 - 13The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0322
Witchwing Roguefeather15 - 16The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0317
Theramore Marine15 - 16The BarrensA HHumanoid0.031
Ghost Howl12
MulgoreA HBeast0.03
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk11 - 12Durotar, The BarrensA HBeast0.03
Sethir the Ancient12TeldrassilA HHumanoid0.03
Writhing Highborne11 - 12DarkshoreA HUndead0.028
Kolkar Marauder15 - 16The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0279
Southsea Brigand12 - 13The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0278
Oasis Snapjaw15 - 16The BarrensA HBeast0.0236
Razormane Water Seeker10 - 11The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0229
Burning Blade Bruiser10 - 11The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0223
Greymist Coastrunner12 - 13DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0212
Bloodfeather Matriarch11TeldrassilA HHumanoid0.02
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