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Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire7660Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Book of the Dead6358Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Digested Hand of Power8360Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Earthcalm Orb62Held In Off-hand5Misc. (Armor)
Fire Runed Grimoire7060Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Gem of Nerubis8360Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Grand Marshal's Tome of Power7860Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Grand Marshal's Tome of Restoration7860Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
High Warlord's Tome of Destruction7860Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
High Warlord's Tome of Mending7860Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Jin'do's Bag of Whammies6660Held In Off-hand4Misc. (Armor)
Lei of the Lifegiver6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Master Dragonslayer's Orb8360Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Noth's Frigid Heart8360Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Royal Scepter of Vek'lor8160Held In Off-hand5Misc. (Armor)
Sapphiron's Left Eye9060Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Sapphiron's Right Eye9060Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Sartura's Might7660Held In Off-hand5Misc. (Armor)
Talon of Furious Concentration6960Held In Off-hand5Misc. (Armor)
Therazane's Touch6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Tome of Arcane Domination6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Tome of Fiery Arcana6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Tome of Shadow Force6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Tome of the Ice Lord6560Held In Off-hand3Misc. (Armor)
Trance Stone7160Held In Off-hand4Misc. (Armor)
Antipodean Rod2217Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Arlokk's Hoodoo Stick6860Held In Off-hand4Misc. (Armor)
Basilisk Bone5146Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Beacon of Hope3833Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Blackwood's Thigh6257Held In Off-hand6Misc. (Armor)
Brightly Glowing Stone6358Held In Off-hand1.5Misc. (Armor)
Celestial Orb40Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Cloud Stone5348Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Desertwalker Cane4742Held In Off-hand5Misc. (Armor)
Drakestone5449Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Enthralled Sphere5348Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Globe of D'sak5954Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe5954Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Magebane Scion60Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Magmus Stone5853Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Milli's Lexicon59Held In Off-hand1.5Misc. (Armor)
Mordresh's Lifeless Skull4136Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Orb of Dar'Orahil40Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Orb of Lorica44Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Orb of Mistmantle2823Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Orb of Noh'Orahil40Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Orb of the Forgotten Seer3833Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Penelope's Rose61Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Prophetic Cane44Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)
Pulsating Hydra Heart2015Held In Off-hand1Misc. (Armor)