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Beastmaster's Boots60266Feet5Mail Armor
Black Dragonscale Boots6156270Feet1Mail Armor
Boots of The Five Thunders60266Feet5Mail Armor
Boots of the Endless Moor7160311Feet4Mail Armor
Boots of the Fallen Prophet7360319Feet5Mail Armor
Cryptstalker Boots8660372Feet6Mail Armor
Dragonstalker's Greaves7660332Feet3Mail Armor
Earthfury Boots6660290Feet1Mail Armor
Earthshatter Boots8660372Feet6Mail Armor
General's Chain Boots7160286Feet2Mail Armor
General's Mail Boots7160286Feet2Mail Armor
Giantstalker's Boots6660290Feet1Mail Armor
Greaves of Ten Storms7660286Feet3Mail Armor
Malignant Footguards7260315Feet4Mail Armor
Marshal's Chain Boots7160286Feet2Mail Armor
Sabatons of the Flamewalker6860298Feet1Mail Armor
Stormcaller's Footguards7860340Feet5Mail Armor
Striker's Footguards7860340Feet5Mail Armor
Beaststalker's Boots5954240Feet1Mail Armor
Black Ogre Kickers3732166Feet1Mail Armor
Blood Guard's Chain Boots6358255Feet2Mail Armor
Blood Guard's Chain Greaves6660266Feet6Mail Armor
Blood Guard's Mail Greaves6660266Feet6Mail Armor
Blood Guard's Mail Walkers6358255Feet2Mail Armor
Bloodshot Greaves5449221Feet1Mail Armor
Bloodstained Greaves6860274Feet4Mail Armor
Boots of Elements5954240Feet1Mail Armor
Boots of the Fiery Sands7360293Feet5Mail Armor
Boots of the Qiraji General7160285Feet5Mail Armor
Caverndeep Trudgers3227154Feet1Mail Armor
Defiler's Chain Greaves6358255Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Chain Greaves5348218Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Chain Greaves4340183Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Mail Greaves6358255Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Mail Greaves4340183Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Mail Greaves5348218Feet4Mail Armor
Defiler's Plate Greaves3328157Feet4Mail Armor
Elven Chain Boots5045206Feet1Mail Armor
Flame Walkers6257251Feet1Mail Armor
Greaves of Withering Despair5348218Feet5Mail Armor
Heavy Timbermaw Boots6459258Feet3Mail Armor
Highlander's Chain Greaves4340183Feet4Mail Armor
Highlander's Chain Greaves6358255Feet4Mail Armor
Highlander's Chain Greaves5348218Feet4Mail Armor
Highlander's Lamellar Greaves3328157Feet4Mail Armor
Highlander's Mail Greaves6358255Feet4Mail Armor
Highlander's Plate Greaves3328157Feet4Mail Armor
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Boots6358255Feet2Mail Armor
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Greaves6660266Feet6Mail Armor
Merciful Greaves5954240Feet1.5Mail Armor