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items total
Belt of Might6660421Waist1Plate Armor
Belt of the Fallen Emperor8160512Waist5Plate Armor
Belt of the Grand Crusader8560536Waist6Plate Armor
Dreadnaught Waistguard8860554Waist6Plate Armor
Girdle of the Fallen Crusader7760488Waist3Plate Armor
Girdle of the Mentor8560536Waist6Plate Armor
Judgement Belt7660482Waist3Plate Armor
Lawbringer Belt6660421Waist1Plate Armor
Onslaught Girdle7860494Waist1Plate Armor
Redemption Girdle8860554Waist6Plate Armor
Royal Qiraji Belt8160512Waist5Plate Armor
Triad Girdle7560476Waist5Plate Armor
Unmelting Ice Girdle7160452Waist2Plate Armor
Waistband of Wrath7660482Waist3Plate Armor
Zandalar Freethinker's Belt61391Waist4Plate Armor
Zandalar Vindicator's Belt61391Waist4Plate Armor
Atal'alarion's Tusk Ring5146302Waist1Plate Armor
Belt of Heroism65380Waist5Plate Armor
Belt of Shrunken Heads70408Waist4Plate Armor
Belt of Valor5853341Waist1Plate Armor
Belt of the Ordained6055353Waist1Plate Armor
Belt of the Sand Reaver7160494Waist5Plate Armor
Brigam Girdle6358369Waist1Plate Armor
Defiler's Lamellar Girdle6358369Waist1Plate Armor
Defiler's Plate Girdle4340236Waist4Plate Armor
Defiler's Plate Girdle6358369Waist4Plate Armor
Defiler's Plate Girdle5348313Waist4Plate Armor
Elemental Plate Girdle6156358Waist1.5Plate Armor
Enormous Ogre Belt4040164Waist1Plate Armor
Frostwolf Plate Belt6055353Waist3Plate Armor
Girdle of Uther5752336Waist1Plate Armor
Girdle of the Dawn5853341Waist3Plate Armor
Handcrafted Mastersmith Girdle6358519Waist1Plate Armor
Heavy Obsidian Belt6860397Waist5Plate Armor
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle5348313Waist4Plate Armor
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle4340236Waist4Plate Armor
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle6358369Waist4Plate Armor
Highlander's Plate Girdle4340236Waist4Plate Armor
Highlander's Plate Girdle6358369Waist4Plate Armor
Highlander's Plate Girdle5348313Waist4Plate Armor
Ironvine Belt7060408Waist6Plate Armor
Lightforge Belt5853341Waist1Plate Armor
Omokk's Girth Restrainer60353Waist1Plate Armor
Rainbow Girdle5853341Waist1Plate Armor
Soulforge Belt65380Waist5Plate Armor
Stormpike Plate Girdle6055353Waist3Plate Armor
Abyssal Plate Girdle6560346Waist4Plate Armor
Alabaster Plate Girdle5247280Waist1Plate Armor
Atal'ai Girdle5247280Waist1Plate Armor
Bloodforged Belt4641251Waist1Plate Armor