Quick Facts
  • PvP Epic Set
  • Class: Hunter
  • Level: 71
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Warlord's Pursuit

Warlord's Pursuit - PvP Epic Set - contains 6 pieces:
General's Chain Boots
General's Chain Gloves
General's Chain Legguards
Warlord's Chain Chestpiece
Warlord's Chain Helmet
Warlord's Chain Shoulders

Set Bonuses

Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.


Rating: +14 [-] [+]
By jasmune on 10/17/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
As of 4.0.1, this set costs 585 Honor Points to obtain.

Boots - 70 Honor Points
Gloves - 70 Honor Points
Chest - 125 Honor Points
Leggings - 125 Honor Points
Helm - 125 Honor Points
Shoulders - 70 Honor Points
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By mechdragon on 06/13/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)
has the same stats as the Field Marshals but IMO it looks more evil.

I'll go for more evil.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By FionaPly847 on 01/18/2011 (Patch 3.1.2)
i have this set for my lvl 60 hunter and i love it, and its now so easy to get with patch 4.0.1 taking the amount of honor down so much. Its a nice looking set and i think its brillent for lvl 60 twinks for AV. I strongly surggest that you get this set if your planning to make a lvl 60 hunter ;)
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Kino2 on 01/30/2011 (Patch 3.1.2)
Exactly the same model as the Shaman's Warlord set, just different color. :(
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Leerill on 08/11/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Rank 12:
Gloves - 8415 30AV
Legs - 13005 30WSG
Boots - 8415 20AB
29,835 honor, total.

Rank 13:
Helm - 13005 30AV
Shoulders - 8415 20AB
Chest - 13770 30AB
35,190 honor, total.

Full set:
65,025 honor.
50AV, 70AB, 30WSG - marks.
Last edited by Skyfire on 08/11/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Danaik on 08/02/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
Full set cost:
72.000 H.P
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By warhowl on 06/06/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
that's 36x (Item #44115) X 30 (Item #43228) = 1080 (Item #43228) for those wondering what the sets costs(5 parts)
Last edited by warhowl on 06/06/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By wigglemonster on 02/06/2012 (Patch 3.1.2)
You can not use this set for transmog unless you have the feat of strength of "Warlord", "High Warlord", "Marshal" or "Field Marshal". If you do have the feat of strength, you have to buy a different set of gear to transmog it. I have confirmed that this is correct. This limitation was created so only characters with the feat of strength could wear this gear in transmog form because the actual gear is available for purchase with honor points to everyone. The transmog-able gear can be bought in Area 52 from, Leeni "smiley" smalls ((NPC #52533))

edit: apparently you only need "Legionnaire/Knight-Captain or higher under the old PvP system", quoted from a blue post on blizzard's forum (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657275742?page=9#178).
Last edited by wigglemonster on 02/21/2012 (Patch 3.1.2) – edited 2 times
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By decayedbrain on 12/24/2008 (Patch 3.0.3)
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By Evohunts on 05/28/2009 (Patch 3.1.2)
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By spleenbegone on 01/23/2010 (Patch 3.1.2)
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By ENIN3N on 01/31/2011 (Patch 3.1.2)
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