Quick Facts
  • PvP Rare Set
  • Class: Rogue
  • Level: 66
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Lieutenant Commander's Guard

Lieutenant Commander's Guard - PvP Rare Set - contains 6 pieces:
Knight-Captain's Leather Chestpiece
Knight-Captain's Leather Legguards
Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Grips
Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Walkers
Lieutenant Commander's Leather Helm
Lieutenant Commander's Leather Shoulders

Set Bonuses

Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.


Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By NerArth on 12/12/2008 (Patch 3.0.3)
The total set costs 21,675 honor points along with:
70 Arathi Basin marks
50 Alterac Valley marks
30 Warsong Gulch marks
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