Quick Facts
  • Level: 60
  • Class: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Health: 21,000
  • Damage: 524 - 673 (Physical)
  • Model: 15376
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Qiraji Brigadier General Pax-lish

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Greater Mana Potion4131Flask25
Superior Healing Potion4535Flask20
Mana Potion3222Flask15
Greater Healing Potion3121Flask14
Scroll of Spirit IV5545Scroll14
Scroll of Protection IV5545Scroll9
Scroll of Strength IV6555Scroll7
Scroll of Stamina IV6050Scroll6
Scroll of Intellect IV6050Scroll5
Scroll of Agility IV6555Scroll1.16
Earthborn Kilt60551Leather Armor0.05(2)
Maiden's Circle61551Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Serathil61563One-Handed Axe0.05(2)
Bludstone Hammer61561One-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Doombringer60551Two-Handed Sword0.05(2)
The Needler60551Polearm0.05(2)
Stonegrip Gauntlets60551Plate Armor0.05(2)
Band of the Hierophant60551Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Spaulders of the Unseen61561Leather Armor0.05(2)
Drakesfire Epaulets6156Mail Armor0.05(2)
Orb of Deception59541Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe59541Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Lady Alizabeth's Pendant59541Misc. (Armor)0.05(6)
Torch of Austen58531Wand0.05(6)
Mageflame Cloak58531Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Twig of the World Tree58531Two-Handed Mace0.05(6)
Sapphiron's Scale Boots58531Plate Armor0.05(6)
Wolfrunner Shoes59541Cloth Armor0.05(6)
Lordly Armguards5954Mail Armor0.05(6)
Shell Launcher Shotgun58531Gun0.05(6)
Lord Alexander's Battle Axe56511Two-Handed Axe0.0455(4)
Elder Wizard's Mantle56511Cloth Armor0.0455(4)
Assassination Blade57521One-Handed Sword0.0455(4)
Heartseeking Crossbow56511Crossbow0.0455(4)
Demonslayer57521Two-Handed Sword0.0455(4)
Frenzied Striker56511Polearm0.0455(4)
Girdle of Uther57521Plate Armor0.0455(4)
Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris57521Misc. (Armor)0.0455(4)
Serpentine Sash57521Leather Armor0.0455(4)
Windrunner Legguards5651Mail Armor0.0455(4)
The Shadowfoot Stabber57526Dagger0.0455(4)
Hero's Breastplate62571Mail Armor0.0108(3)
Hero's Buckler62571Shield0.0108(3)
High Councillor's Circlet62571Cloth Armor0.0108(3)
High Councillor's Pants63581Cloth Armor0.0108(3)
High Councillor's Mantle62571Cloth Armor0.0108(3)
Mighty Helmet62571Leather Armor0.0108(3)
Mighty Leggings63581Leather Armor0.0108(3)
Mighty Spaulders62571Leather Armor0.0108(3)
Mercurial Circlet62571Mail Armor0.0108(3)
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