Quick Facts
  • Level: 50
  • Class: Elite
  • React: A H
  • Health: 13,611
  • Wealth: 3 45
  • Damage: 434 - 516 (Physical)
  • Model: 6377
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Chains of Hematus1Quest100 (Quest)
Ripped Wing Webbing1Junk42
Fiery Gland1Junk25
Star Ruby50Trade goods1.44
Aquamarine45Trade goods0.84
Reinforced Steel Lockbox45Junk0.4
Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants421Blacksmithing Plans0.14
Solid Stone351Trade goods0.1
Pattern: Red Mageweave Headband481Tailoring Pattern0.1
Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm491Blacksmithing Plans0.06
Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest431Tailoring Pattern0.06
Elven Spirit Claws50451Leather Armor0.05(2)
Six Demon Bag51461Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Cow King's Hide51461Leather Armor0.05(2)
Basilisk Bone51461Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Blanchard's Stout50451Two-Handed Mace0.05(2)
Wand of Allistarj50451Wand0.05(2)
Wyrmslayer Spaulders51461Plate Armor0.05(2)
Horizon Choker51461Misc. (Armor)0.05(2)
Elven Chain Boots50451Mail Armor0.05(2)
Executioner's Cleaver48431Two-Handed Axe0.05(5)
Serpent Slicer49441One-Handed Sword0.05(5)
Skull Splitting Crossbow48431Crossbow0.05(5)
Blade of the Titans49441Two-Handed Sword0.05(5)
Giantslayer Bracers48431Plate Armor0.05(5)
Skibi's Pendant49441Misc. (Armor)0.05(5)
Blackflame Cape49441Cloth Armor0.05(5)
Winged Helm48431Leather Armor0.05(5)
Belt of the Gladiator4944Mail Armor0.05(5)
Kingsblood24Trade goods0.04
Recipe: Limited Invulnerability Potion501Alchemy Recipe0.04
Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier481Blacksmithing Plans0.04
Pattern: Big Voodoo Mask441Leatherworking Pattern0.04
Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants481Leatherworking Pattern0.04
Sungrass46Trade goods0.04
Recipe: Invisibility Potion471Alchemy Recipe0.04
Recipe: Elixir of Giants491Alchemy Recipe0.04
Pattern: Red Mageweave Shoulders471Tailoring Pattern0.04
Schematic: Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle441Engineering Schematic0.04
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit441Enchanting Formula0.04
Plans: Thorium Bracers511Blacksmithing Plans0.04
Bloodrazor50451One-Handed Sword0.025(6)
Lei of Lilies51461Misc. (Armor)0.025(6)
Wall of the Dead50451Shield0.025(6)
Stonerender Gauntlets51461Mail Armor0.025(6)
Imperial Red Boots52471Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Imperial Red Gloves52471Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
Imperial Red Mantle52471Cloth Armor0.0102(3)
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