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Bring 20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, and 5 Explosive Sheep to Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.Big Iron Bomb (20) | |
Solid Dynamite (20) | |
Explosive Sheep (5) |
As your mentor, I want samples of your work. You're a skilled engineer; there is no question of this, <name>. What I hope to do though is analyze them for ways to emphasize goblin-oriented techniques in your future efforts. I need the following: twenty big iron bombs, twenty sticks of solid dynamite, and five explosive sheep - and keep the safeties armed!Submit these items to me and I will issue you your own Goblin Engineer Membership Card; it is required for access to all goblin engineering trainers!
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You will receive:Goblin Engineer Membership Card |
Goblin Engineering |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 3150 experience ( 18 90 at max. level)
- 75 Reputation with Engineering - Goblin
Big Iron Bomb x20 (Requires 10 crafts)
3x Iron Bar x10
3x Heavy Blasting Powder x10
------->1x Heavy Stone (x30)
1x Silver Contact x10
------->1x Silver bar x2 (1 Silver bar = 5 Silver Contact)
Mats required:
30 Iron Bar
30 Heavy Stone --> 30 Heavy Blasting Powder
2 SIlver Bar --> 10 Silver Contact
Solid Dynamite x20 (Require 10 crafts)
1x Silk cloth x10
1x Solid Blasting Powder x10
------->2x Solid Stone x10
Mats Required:
10x Silk cloth
20x Solid Stone --> 10x Solid Blasting Powder
Explosive Sheep x5
2x Wool Cloth x5 (10x in total)
2x Heavy Blasting Powder x5 (10x in total)
1x Whirring Bronze Gizmo x5
------->2x Bronze Bar x5 (10x in total)
------->1x Wool Cloth x5
1x Bronze Framevork x5
------->1x Medium Leather x5
------->1x Wool Cloth x5
------->2x Bronze Bar x5 (10x in total)
Mats Required:
5x Medium Leather
5x Wool Cloth --> 5x Bronze Framework
10x Bronze Bar
10x Bronze Bar --> 5x Whirring Bronze Gizmo
5x Wool Cloth
10x Heavy Stone --> 10x Heavy Blasting Powder
10x Wool Cloth
(Basic Mats: 20x Wool Cloth, 10x Heavy Stone, 20x Bronze Bar, 5x Medium Leather)
Basic Mats in Total:
20x Wool Cloth
30x Iron Bar (30 Iron Ore)
40x Heavy Stone
20x Solid Stone
20x Bronze Bar (10x TIn Bar + 10x Copper Bar)
5x Medium Leather
10x Silk Cloth
2x Silver Bar