Hot Fiery Death
Someone in this world must know what to do with these gauntlets. Good luck!Unfired Plate Gauntlets |
The only thing that remains of this human are some charred bones. He seems to have died within arms reach of what he was after - unfired plate gauntlets.Perhaps you should grab the gauntlets and get out of the fire?
Tip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomTip: Click map to zoomHide pinsHide pinsBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock SpireBlackrock Spire
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire
You will also receive: 0Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 6600 experience ( 39 60 at max. level)
Go to LBRS. From the entrance, go right up the ramp to the right. Jump down. You will see a mob with two dogs, etc...there is a door to the left...go through the doors turn with the hallway...when you come out into the next room...turn  directly right and jump down on the along the ledge and jump down one more level to the ground...there you will see mobs under camps...behind the first camp to the right you will notice an opening to a ramp which heads downward...fight the mob or use invisibility potion and then go down that ramp. At the bottom you will see the body where you can obtain this quest. You must be an armorsmith. After you get the quest...loot the same area again and you will get the Unfired Plate Gauntlets. You will need both the quest and the Unfired Plate Gauntlets item.
1. Return to Winterspring and to turn in the quest to Malyfous Darkhammer in Everlook. He will give you a follow-up quest to get him some mats.
3. Note: it's easiest to get these mats before you turn in the quest in the first place so you'd save a trip.
  -6 x Enchanted Thorium Bars
  -2 x Essence of Fire
  -4 x Star Ruby