Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril
Use Jaron's Pick to find the four Highborne Relic Fragments. Bring them to Aurora Skycaller in Eastern Plaguelands.First Relic Fragment | |
Second Relic Fragment | |
Third Relic Fragment | |
Fourth Relic Fragment |
Jaron's Pick |
The highborne spirits are miserable creatures, that's for sure. They are still searching for pieces of the very thing that has cursed them to Kel'Theril forever -- the stolen relic.If you are that interested, take my pick and go south to the lake, see if you can gather the pieces of it from within the ice.
Now, I can't tell you a thing about what you find, but I do know of someone who might... Aurora Skycaller; she dwells near the Northpass Tower in the northern part of Eastern Plaguelands.