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Fragments of the Past

Bring an Enchanted Thorium Bar, 5 Crystal Restore, and a Vial of Dire Water to Aurora Skycaller near the Northpass Tower in Eastern Plaguelands.
Enchanted Thorium Bar
Crystal Restore (5)
Vial of Dire Water
Provided Item:
Empty Water Vial


I will be able to help you, if recreating the artifact is truly what you wish to do.

To seal the pieces back together, I will need items with strong magical qualities. An enchanted thorium bar and five crystal restore... You'll also need to collect some water from what might seem an unlikely place... Find the dire pool along Eldreth Row at Dire Maul in Feralas, and fill this vial.

While you are gone, I will attempt to glean from these pages the knowledge I need to repair the damage done to the relic.




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Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
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Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands


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Rating: +43 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/21/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
go up the entrance ramp at Dire Maul - follow main drag around to the right - then when you come to a 'T' junction - turn left. Pool is up the end, it is more of a big basin than a pool.

Has a few elite ogres and dog pats on the way. If you are able to get to the pool without agro-ing the mobs, they are far enough away that you can get the vial filled and hearth out.
Rating: +43 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
I bought the thorium from the AH no big deal but to obtain the crystal restore you have to go to Un Goro then go to Marshalls Refuge to the north, find the crystal cave and find the girl in the back to obtain a crystal power stone chain of quests.&nbsp When you complete these quests you need to go to the Northern Pylon and turn in 10 green power stones and 10 yellow power stones, this will give you 6 rydtal restores.
Then off to Dire Maul to get the water.
Thi quest has you bouncing all over the place and takes some time.
Good luck!
Rating: +26 [-] [+]
By osuracnaes on 10/20/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
The dire pool is bugged at the moment and is invisible. To fill up the vial, head to Dire Maul and go left (west) at the first fork in Eldreth Row. Keep following this to the dead end, and stand between the small green rock and the wall. You should be able to fill up the vial here even though you can't see the pool.
Rating: +18 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/09/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
Rating: +13 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/16/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
Go straight from the road towards Dire Maul.

There's a little hill with a pillar to the right, sneak up avoiding the guard in the middle of the road. Wait there and make sure no patrol of dogs is crossing. (either from left to right or from right to left)

Go straight avoiding the 2nd guard by sneaking past either left or right.

Go up the stone path untill you can see over the edge and spot patrolling dogs. If any let them past.

The guard here is hardest to avoid, so you better mount and run past him. He'll follow you a bit but not for long.

Just continue on avoiding the other guards by zig-zagging between them, staying about in the middle of each solo guard.

Once the guard chassing you has stopped following, dismount.

Continue on foot and avoid the guards. It turns a bit to the right first and then one turn left.

Before you, you can see a T-junction. Slip past guard using the bushes to the left into the left arm.

In that ally-way there are 2 alcoves to the right of you where you can safely slip into.

The end of the ally-way is patrolled by two elites. Behind them is the pool.

Slip by to the right to the end-wall and get right behind the pool.

Ease closer to the pool all the while clicking your vial. You don't need to enter the pool.

Hearth out. Done.
Rating: +12 [-] [+]
By starlabs on 06/27/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)
If you've never been to Dire Maul (or have the map exposed - which can happen if you just stay on the road) then finding it will be a bit troublesome since the directions here aren't specific enough.

Directions (for Alliance): From Feathermoon Stronghold head East to the shore, then get on the road and head east.
From Thalanaar get on the road and head west, being careful about the Horde outpost near the road.

Once you get to 59,53 on the road (pretty much in the middle of Feralas), just head north. That turns into Dire Maul (the area, not the instance) and going north will lead to the ramp that will turn into Eldreth Row.

Most of the mobs outside of the instance are ogres, level 52-54.
Rating: +11 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/12/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
Coords 42,68 in Eldreth Row, DM. Two Elite Gordok standing nearby. Put back to wall and they wont see you. To be sure wait for them to wander away a bit. I stealthed it as a rogue.
Rating: +10 [-] [+]
By salad on 07/12/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
I just wanted to add, since no one else did, that the Enchanted Thorium Bar can be bought at the Auction House, and the Crustal Restore can be awarded from a quest started by the Northern Pylon in Un 'Goro Crater.And the Vial of Dire Water no duh, can be found from a pool in Dire Maul [see other comments, thats sadly all they gave comments on] :)
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/27/2005 (Patch 1.4.2)
As a level 58 druid this was one of those easy quests u don't even have to kill a single mob (Dire Maul part).
I just used cat form ans stealthed in for the vial.
There is only one way u can go until u come at a sort of crossing.
Take the left and head straight and u'll see the pool.
Stick to the wall and collect.
As for the others it's even too easy to talk about it.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By mlylebrown on 11/29/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
The directions to the pool are right on. On my server the pool was not there at first glance, however leaving the area and coming back caused it to appear. It's back against the wall directly in the middle of the corridor. If you have your back against the wall and are facing toward the long hallway, you should be able to fill up the bottle.

Also, once done, this quest becomes available to you: https://classicdb.ch/?quest=5248
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Gattam on 12/17/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
At 57, my aggro radius was small enough that I could ride between the mobs and not have to fight any. Just watch out for the patrolling dog packs and the one ogre near the pool. Also, the pool appeared normally and was not bugged at the time.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/16/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
K - with directions above, it still took me 2 tries to find the pool.&nbsp Go up the path to the ramp - keep skirting the mobs if you can (but they don't seem to chase lvl 60s far).&nbsp Go straight into the hallway, turn right, then left - then you come to the T.&nbsp Turn left and go all the way to the end.&nbsp There's the pool.&nbsp R-click on the vial.&nbsp Git outta there.&nbsp

Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
In Un'goro crater there are red, yellow, green, and blue crystals scattered everywhere. At the back of Marshall's Refuge is a cave. Explore the cave and find a gnome that gives a series of quests which ends in your ability to use the various pylons anytime you want to make crystal restores. Then gather the crystals like the other posters have said and go to the northern pylon and you are good.
The pylons are not easy to find but you can look them up on thottbot and get a map location.
Good luck and have fun.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Zepo on 07/08/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
The main ramp starts at loc. 43:70

Go straight up and straight in, you minimap will now display the name "Eldereth Row"
Follow to the T-junction and turn left. In about 10 sec U will see the Dire Pool

The Pool is guarded buy 2 53+ Elite ogers

But easy to solo @ lvl 57
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/14/2005 (Patch 1.8.2)
c0LoRz is right, Mythos is very very wrong.&nbsp Don't be dumb like me and waste a bunch of time collecting 50 of each color when you only need 10. >.<
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
This can be tricky although I was able to solo it as a level 55 Pally it was hard.
I was able to sneak past the guarding elites but had trouble with the pack of hyenas or whatever they are,
What I did was ran my ass off...died, then finally made it straight through, round to the right until you get to the T junction, then left to the end of the hall to the pool.&nbsp I was able to glide against the walls and into the doorways to avoid aggro.&nbsp There are 2 elites guardng the pool and I was able to sneak behind the pool and grab the water.
I only aggroed one while I was trying to hearth out.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/09/2006 (Patch 1.12.1)
Ok, directions are 100% correct.

Straight into Dire Maul, follow hall(not outer pavillion) to 'T', left to then end.&nbsp 2 elites at the end.

The pool was indeed invisible when I first went in the morning to the end--having not read the posts above I cussed a blue streak when not found.&nbsp

I read the rest of the posts and decided to try again. I went back it was now 8:15pm MST 10/8/06 and pool was visible.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/04/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
Go straight from the road towards Dire Maul.

There's a little hill with a pillar to the right, sneak up avoiding the guard in the middle of the road. Wait there and make sure no patrol of dogs is crossing. (either from left to right or from right to left)

Go straight avoiding the 2nd guard by sneaking past either left or right.

Go up the stone path untill you can see over the edge and spot patrolling dogs. If any let them past.

The guard here is hardest to avoid, so you better mount and run past him. He'll follow you a bit but not for long.

Just continue on avoiding the other guards by zig-zagging between them, staying about in the middle of each solo guard.

Once the guard chassing you has stopped following, dismount.

Continue on foot and avoid the guards. It turns a bit to the right first and then one turn left.

Before you, you can see a T-junction. Slip past guard using the bushes to the left into the left arm.

In that ally-way there are 2 alcoves to the right of you where you can safely slip into.

The end of the ally-way is patrolled by two elites. Behind them is the pool.

Slip by to the right to the end-wall and get right behind the pool.

Ease closer to the pool all the while clicking your vial. You don't need to enter the pool.

Hearth out. Done.
Can't get into Dire Maul! by BeaverMon, Score -0.44
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Easy
Score 0.23&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by VaporV, 11.8 months ago Well, I am a lvl 56 warrior and I did this today, and it was quite easy. I just cris crossed from left to right to avoid the elites, and sometimes I had to wait a while to let the dogs pass, if you do this real carefully and with patience its very easy. I was mounted all the way till the pool.
where is Dire Maul? In which place? by nicc67, Score -0.53
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply where is Dire Maul
Score 0.22&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by Mythaniel, 11.7 months ago first, you could find it on thott with a little creativity in searching... but for those impaired enough to ask such a question here, Dire Maul is in Feralas, which is on Kalimdor. You can get to it from the main road off either Feralas flight path. Coords are roughly 59,45. If you get close to there and still don't see it, you got real problems.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Feralas
Score 0.46&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by Ratbeard, 11.7 months ago Dire Maul is in Feralas, right about the middle of the zone.&nbsp It is north of the road between the horde town and the north bend towards Desolace.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Directions to the pool - fer lamers like me
Score 1.5&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by parkep, 11.7 months ago K - with directions above, it still took me 2 tries to find the pool.&nbsp Go up the path to the ramp - keep skirting the mobs if you can (but they don't seem to chase lvl 60s far).&nbsp Go straight into the hallway, turn right, then left - then you come to the T.&nbsp Turn left and go all the way to the end.&nbsp There's the pool.&nbsp R-click on the vial.&nbsp Git outta there.&nbsp

&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply is this quest worth it?
Score 0.00&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by Latygra, 11.2 months ago last step sounds like ahuge pain in the ass. I woul dhate to have to do that crystal restore part. Is the reward worth it? Sounds like you get exp but that's about it.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Delahaye has the right way
Score 0.23&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by dlelash, 10.6 months ago I died as a 60 trying to find this place by myself, but Delahaye's instructions above are right on.&nbsp Didn't fight anyone and only aggroed the one guy he mentions. I ran straight ahead into a corner, sure he would follow, but he gave up.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Done after few false starts.
Score 0.24&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by Tatertott, 10.5 months ago My error was that I went left too soon.&nbsp I was on the portico.&nbsp You must enter DM and follow hall that has turns.&nbsp The pool is at 42, 68.
Spot on by thomas55, Score -0.25
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply 56 warrior
Score 0.25&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by miluiel, 9.5 months ago As was said before, perfect description. Swam from Feathermoon, mounted when I got to the mainland, rode in, dodged around a few pats, aggroed a couple pats and guards, but they gave up the chase pretty quick.&nbsp Found the basin at the first left after the main corridor, filled my vial and mounted up to leave again. Aggroed one of the guards just as I got on my mount, took off, swam back to Feathermoon... Took about 12 minutes from landing in Feathermoon to taking the hippogriff back out, and cost exactly 46 copper in repairs.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply New location
Score 0.26&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by JonF1, 8.7 months ago The two high elves are now at the foot of Quel'Lithien Lodge - north of Northpass Tower. They moved the two for the BG.
&nbsp Report&nbsp Reply Pool location
Score 0.27&nbsp &nbsp Vote: [-] [+] by generalgand, 8.6 months ago
Last edit: 8.6 months ago Seems the Dire pool has moved since patch 1.12.&nbsp Anyone seen the new location?
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By dbodinem on 05/16/2008 (Patch 2.4.2)
The guards are not elite.

It's actually not in the instance. Just follow the directions, no problems....

Walked right up to it.

Dropped the guards and away i go.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/02/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
The pool of water is indeed invisible, but if you turn left at the T and go to the end, you'll see 2 ogres wandering there.&nbsp Go to the back wall and use your vial.&nbsp Worked for me!
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/23/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
easy for a 54 rogue imp sap rogue. just distract then sap mob closest to pool then collect. collection only takes 3 seconds so its too easy
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/02/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Seems the Dire pool has moved since patch 1.12.&nbsp Anyone seen the new location?

nvm it was back when i logged in later today.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/02/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
One new thing seems to be that the pool is invisible during the day.&nbsp As a 57 druid, I stealthed in to the location described earlier, but could see no pool. however, when I walked across that area, I ran into something invisible and was able to trace the outline. I decided to try the vial even though I could not see the pool, and it worked! I did not draw aggro from the two guards from my position behind the pool.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/09/2006 (Patch 1.12.1)
I too had the same experience.&nbsp First time I went the pool was invisible and I thought I was in the wrong place.&nbsp Went into Broken Commons just in case I missed something, came back and voila...pool was visible (1230pm Server Time.&nbsp Seems to be a draw bug.&nbsp
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/09/2006 (Patch 1.12.1)
But followed everyones instructions to were it should be. Pulled out the vial and it filled up. So the pool doesn't have to be seen to fill the vial.&nbsp Just go to the middle of the wall and try using the vial.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/26/2007 (Patch 2.0.6)
Is this quest repeatable ? because the guy u turn in the quest, gives an empty vial back
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I just soloed this today on my hunter.&nbsp I was relatively easy making my way through the main drag of dire maul just outside mob agro ranges. I just sent in my pet to distract the two gaurds while I filled the vile.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/22/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
Comments by Delahey and Feyline above are right on.&nbsp Just be sure to watch for hyena pack (lvl52-54) as they only run a circuit between entrance and T junction.&nbsp This can be done without aggroing any mobs, but I got a little cocky at the pool and cut a corner and died right next to it.&nbsp Soulstone, got water, and rode out without aggroing any mobs.&nbsp Patience is the key as the hyena pack is SLOW!
Good Luck
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/19/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
It is useful to note that the first part of the crystal restore quest wants you to farm 7 crystals of each color.&nbsp If you are like me and farmed then back when I first got to Un'Goro (7 lvls ago) and banked them, this is good info.&nbsp I'm just happy there is a bank in Gadgetzan, lol.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/17/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Agree that if you don't see the pool you can still get the water. The pool and the cog wheel did not appear for me but I was still lucky to get the water yay.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/29/2005 (Patch 1.4.0)
The mobs have been beffed up a lot around it. 52-55 Elites are around the area. I managed to sneek around as a lvl 55 Rogue, and solo it pretty easy.

If you follow the path to the entrance, and turn left, follow it down untill you reach a dead end. the Dire pool is there. If you stand agaisnt the back wall, you can fill the vail, without getting aggro.

The crystal part was better than i hoped. You only need 10 Yellow, and 10 green power crystals, and that will give you 6 crystal restore. Take them to the north pylon.

6000 EXP @ lvl 55

Leads to:
(Quest #5248)
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/06/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
I did this quest today and because these comments were so helpful I wanted to reciprocate. The directions and tne coordinates are perfect. The only problem is when I got there the pool didn't show. When I "moused over" the walls I never got a gear. So I began to hug the wall and move and click the vial. VOILA. I was just about in the center of the wall when the vial filled. There was no pool, no anything special there. Just follow the posts with the directions and you will be fine. Unless you have to cross over a corridor to avoid a baddie, hug the walls and you should be fine, even from the dog patrol.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/07/2007 (Patch 2.0.1)
Easy to solo as 54 feral druid. Just prowl to the Dire Maul pool and follow the instructions given here.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/03/2005 (Patch 1.5.1)
What about this item? I have no idea to get it....
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/20/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
Just a small note:

The Dire Pool is ***NOT*** in the instance.
Silly point, I realise, but I got summoned to DM for a group and decided to get the water while I was there. Didn't find it til we wiped (MT and healer got disconnected during a boss fight lol) and I was on a corpse run.

These directions:

"Now go to Dire Maul in Ferelas! Dont worry, getting the vial of dire water is realy easy! Run in to DM and bsicly follow the path.

Avoid the Level 52/53 elite Ogres which is easy as they are nicly spaced. Also watch out for the patrol of 4 dogs put your back to a wall as they pass and your home free.

You will come to a T junction with a wooden door in a big stone arch basicly turn left and follow it all the way to the end. The dire pool is a fountain at the end of the corridor."

are perfect **IF** you come from the main DM entrance.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/05/2005 (Patch 1.8.2)
It is a Small pool over on the Left side. it is guarded by 2 54 eilte ogres.

Thank for the clear up digital
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/30/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
Water coordinates are wrong. Correct cooridanates are 30,68 in Eldreth Row, Dire Maul
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/18/2006 (Patch 1.11.2)
done as 56lvl druid.. I done it before rest members of my party come to Dire Maul ) Prowled in, go on position and waited for mobs go on safety distance. Then filled it and prowled out )

!THE DIRE POOL IS NOT IN INSTANCE! Just follow instructions. This info helped me:
"The coordinates r quite ok, however don't be fooled about the fact, that at the moment you enter Dire Maul u r almost there. That's not the case.

U enter Dire Maul, immediately left and right u find a terrace kinda thing. Don't be fooled, just go directly through the enormous corridor. Avoid ogres and gordok dogs - they bite fast and frost :P

Just go along the corridor as far as u do not find a big wooden door. U can miss the wooden door, because it is actually a locked, gargantuan sized gate. U can turn right or left. Turn left. U can see the end of the corridor. If u move the cursor somewhere there, a "dire pool" toolbar will pop. Don't worry if not, maybe u have to move closer.

If u r alone, sneak around the ogres. U don't need to go too close to the pool, 3-4 meters will do the job. After completing the quest decide how to leave. The ogres don't want company, so don't try to be friendly with them :P"

good luck ]
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/05/2007 (Patch 2.0.1)
dont go in dire Maul instance! just follow entrance till u have to make right or left, make a left and continue walking to end of left hallway. The coords are 42,68 according to TP.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/03/2005 (Patch 1.5.1)
Sorry double post :-)

Edited, Sun Jul 3 07:24:14 2005