In Dreams
Escort Taelan Fordring out of Hearthglen.Redemption? |
For so long, I have been a puppet of the Grand Crusader. What reason was there to fight against what the Scarlet Crusade had become? It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive.I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron.
I want not to dream anymore.
Take me to him.
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Western Plaguelands
You can choose one of these rewards:Mark of Fordring | Ornate Adamantium Breastplate | Shimmering Platinum Warhammer | Shroud of the Exile | Fordring's Seal |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 10900 experience ( 65 40 at max. level)
You can keep your disguise on for a long time. No need to remove it when he says. The quest is very easy while you are in hearthglen, just let him kill everything and try not to get aggro from the elites.
Once you get outside you will be attacked by 5 lvl 60 elites. He can kill them all on his own if you let him. You will not fail for dying at this stage if you can get rezzed immediately to catch up with the Highlord.
The last part is kinda rough. The highlord will take you to the tower where everyone farms for Crusader enchants and yell for the Inquisitor to come out. Do not attack will take a little bit but eventually the Highlord will engage. He will handle the main guy and he tells you to "deal with the crimson elites". Doing this with just myself and a shaman proved to be fairly difficult. There are only two guards with him but a group of 5 comes down the path and engages as well.
I am not sure if these auto aggro you, or if you can let them aggro the highlord as well. When i did it we got aggro and it was a mess. The shaman ended up dying and even with a combat rez right away he failed the quest.
The highlord basically ends up getting owned and Tirion Fordring (the original quest giver) comes to save the day. If you can avoid getting aggro he will handle all the elites and you will get your nice reward.
If i have one piece of advice it is: either dont aggro anything or bring a full group.