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In Dreams

Escort Taelan Fordring out of Hearthglen.


For so long, I have been a puppet of the Grand Crusader. What reason was there to fight against what the Scarlet Crusade had become? It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive.

I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron.

I want not to dream anymore.

Take me to him.




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Western Plaguelands


You can choose one of these rewards:
Mark of Fordring
Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
Shimmering Platinum Warhammer
Shroud of the Exile
Fordring's Seal
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10900 experience ( 65 40 at max. level)


Rating: +57 [-] [+]
By lpvoidx on 09/14/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
In order to get this quest you must complete ALL of Tirion Fordring's quests at the cave in EPL. After numerous kill quests and a trip to Live Strath you will go to hearthglen in disguise. Only with this disguise buff can you speak to Highlord Taelan Fordring and do this quest.

You can keep your disguise on for a long time. No need to remove it when he says. The quest is very easy while you are in hearthglen, just let him kill everything and try not to get aggro from the elites.

Once you get outside you will be attacked by 5 lvl 60 elites. He can kill them all on his own if you let him. You will not fail for dying at this stage if you can get rezzed immediately to catch up with the Highlord.

The last part is kinda rough. The highlord will take you to the tower where everyone farms for Crusader enchants and yell for the Inquisitor to come out. Do not attack them...it will take a little bit but eventually the Highlord will engage. He will handle the main guy and he tells you to "deal with the crimson elites". Doing this with just myself and a shaman proved to be fairly difficult. There are only two guards with him but a group of 5 comes down the path and engages as well.

I am not sure if these auto aggro you, or if you can let them aggro the highlord as well. When i did it we got aggro and it was a mess. The shaman ended up dying and even with a combat rez right away he failed the quest.

The highlord basically ends up getting owned and Tirion Fordring (the original quest giver) comes to save the day. If you can avoid getting aggro he will handle all the elites and you will get your nice reward.

If i have one piece of advice it is: either dont aggro anything or bring a full group.
Rating: +52 [-] [+]
By riotangel on 09/15/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Best is to let Highlord Taelan tackle them to death so do not terminate the disguise and watch from a distance until big daddy Fordring arrives to spank everybody.
Rating: +36 [-] [+]
By Hellreject on 12/10/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
Easily the best questchain in the game so far.
And i'm not really thinking about the rewards, even if they're not bad either.

Because this questchain is almost like a "sequel" to the book that Chris Metzen wrote a while back; "Of Blood and Honor". It's the story about Tirion Fordring, and why he became exiled. The story is simply amazing, and I love how they continued the story here in World of Warcraft.
Rating: +22 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/03/2005 (Patch 1.2.0)
Don't help Taelan fight. Stay in your disguise so you don't aggro any of the guys fighting him. He's good enough on his own, even against four level 60 Elites. I thought for sure he was going to die against them but when his health was at 10% or so, it suddenly filled up again all the way. Apparently the quest insists that he doesn't die until later.

He gets killed in front of the tower east of Hearthglen. Forget about helping him--his death is inevitable. Stay in your disguise if you can, and stay far enough away so as not to aggravate the level 63 Elite priest that helps take Taelan out... this is the only member of the Scarlet Crusade that you can aggro throughout the whole quest, assuming you're still disguised.

When he dies, wait a minute. His father will ride up to the tower and have words with the level 63 Elite that killed him. Tirion proceeds to obliterate the priest. If you haven't gotten it yet, you still don't fight or try to help out. In fact, don't help Taelan or Tirion at all in this quest. Just sit back and watch. It's that easy, especially if you stay disguised. Taelan will tell you to take your disguise off when he starts to leave his keep, but ignore that.

After Tirion is done cracking skulls, he'll stay put in front of the tower, and after a long tangent about him and his son and his terrible regrets and mistakes, he'll be ready to reward you.

I did this quest as a level 60 paladin, and had to do it over once because I accidentally aggroed the level 63 Elite priest after Taelan had died, but before his father had arrived. Trust me, you can't take him. Otherwise this quest is a cakewalk, and there are some VERY good rewards at the end. More than enough compensation for a very, very long quest chain.
Rating: +21 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
I'm surprised no one mentioned this but his name tells you how to complete the quest

Taelen Fordring
Tailin' For d ring

His fight with the 4 60 elites just out of the gate he will die sometimes if you don't help him but all you need to do is attack whoever he's attacking and you won't aggro any of the mobs onto yourself.
Rating: +18 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/21/2005 (Patch 1.4.0)
All you need to know:

1. He will instruct you to remove your Scarlet Illusion. Do not.

2. You do not need to help him in combat from where he starts until the gates of Hearthglen. You can if you like, but it is not required. I found that snaring mobs for him saved me lots of time and additional mobs since he is not the best at chasing down runners.

3. At the gates of Hearthglen you may encouter a patrol of 4 level 60 elites. If you do, Fordring will likely die and there is nothing you can do about it (if you are solo). Once he gets a ways out of Hearthglen he becomes able to completely heal himself, so this same group of 4 level 60's is no problem.

4. When he approaches the East Tower down the road from Hearthglen, go south off the road and up on to the hill - watch from there. Do not get involved - you can not help and will only die. Fordring will die, and a minute later his father will come up and kill all the scarlets and give you your reward.


If fordring dies before the end, drop the quest and go back to the Hag at Uther's tomb. She will give you another Illusion. Took me 3 times to get it right.

If you somehow get agro in the final fight and die, do not release your corpse. Wait until the father shows up and goes through his script, then release. He will still be there when you rez and come back.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 09:03:53 2005
Rating: +15 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/12/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Even if you think all of the rewards are garbage, DO THIS QUEST CHAIN. It's so awesome.
Rating: +15 [-] [+]
By soulworm on 02/06/2008 (Patch 2.3.3)
the rewards were like epics pre BC only not purple. (Look at the heal ring or tank plate) The quest chain is really one of the best in all WoW. Just do it for fun and crazy exp around 58-60 if you have an alt. Ask any 70 friend to help with strath part.
Rating: +14 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
-Don't remove the disguise until you have to fight the 4 lvl 60 coming out of the city. Help him there, he dies now there if you don't help.

- Don't fight at the tower, let him fight and die. When he dies you get aggro: Vanish, feign death, whatever you can do but don't run away, stay there. If you die, it doesn't matter: DON't RELEASE.

- The father comes and kills them all, if you are close there you get the "complete" message even if you are dead.

- Get&nbsp out of stealth to get the quest done, if you are dead, release then and run back as fast as possible (you have time enough to run back so don't stress)
Rating: +14 [-] [+]
By Nycteris on 11/11/2007 (Patch 2.2.3)
Easily soloable. Did it as lvl 59 rogue last night. Did not interfere at all. Stayed in stealth all the time except when Highlord Taelan Fordring died. Lord Tirion Fordring did not appear until I came out of stealth and aggroed the mobs. I vanished and watched him came down the road and spank everybody. He did NOT die. He kills everyone and says his piece before the gold ? appears over his head.

"Look what they did to my boy"

I love this quest line, simply love it. The best quest line in WoW imo.
Rating: +11 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/25/2005 (Patch 1.8.3)
I just did it by myself (level 60 hunter). Getting out of hearthglen is easy, but when you get to the tower this mage guy comes and about 8 elites attack you and Fordring. He dies, and then his father Tyrion comes and positively OWNS all the elites. After they die, you complete the quest. Admittedly, I died, but if you die DO NOT RELEASE! Wait until Tyrion kills all of them and you complete the quest. Then run back to the tower for handins.
Rating: +9 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 08/07/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Do you have to do all the listed quest before you can do the escort quest?&nbsp Can I just make my way to him and then do the escort quest or do I actually have to bring him a gift to get the "!"?

Carrion Grubbage: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5544
Redemption: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5742
Of Forgotten Memories: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5781
Of Lost Honor: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5845&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 71,34 EPL
Of Love and Family: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5846&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 65,75 WPL
Of Love and Family: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5848&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Get the arcavist painting
Find Myranda: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5861&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 51,77 in WPL (in sorrow hill)its a gnome standing on a log
Scarlet Subterfuge: https://classicdb.ch/quest=5862&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Take gift to Taelan in Hearthglen
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/01/2006 (Patch 1.11.1)
The first time I attempted this, I was cut down by the guards while he fought the Inquisitor at the tower, and released my spirit.&nbsp You must BE at the site of the battle, living or dead, when Taeron's father comes to kill the Scarlets or you cannot complete the quest.

IF you've failed, there's no need to return to the hermit paladin for anything -- the gift that you give Taeron to initiate the quest first run doesn't need to be give twice.&nbsp Simply get the disguise from the hag gnome again, abandon the quest, and go talk to Taeron.&nbsp He will give you the escort quest once more, which you can complete normally.
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/03/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
1. Talk to Taelan disguised.

2. Stay in disguise until he says to remove it so he won't hurt you in his fury.

3. Stay a little behind him and let him get aggro on all the mobs as he leave the keep and Hearthglen's gates. Feel free to help as desired or needed, although he won't really need help until maybe the 4 60+ who are down the road outside the gates on the way to the tower.

4. The last mobs you should help him with are the 4 elites who walk side by side up the road towards you as you get in the vicinity of the tower. Do not engage nor get near anything at the tower itself.

5. Stay well away from him as he goes to the tower and confronts Isillien and his minions. I stayed on the hilltops looking down at the tower area myself.

6. Let the script unfold as it will (yes Taelan dies and is supposed to, you cannot prevent it nor should you).

7. Once Tirion shows up and mourns his son, THEN you can pitch in once again if you want once he aggros them and actually starts fighting Isillien and his guys. But until this point stay away so you don't get any aggro. I'd assist Tirion on whatever he is whacking.

8. After Tirion wins, collect your reward from the "?" he shows.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By TheJuggla on 03/24/2007 (Patch 2.0.10)
For any class:

Just follow the pally around...do not try to attack..no need to..he will not die.

Did this at 60 on my warrior...just followed the guy around...no problems whatsoever..looked like he would die..but he healed himself to full and kept killing.

At the end..you do not have to aggro...but i decided it would be fun to charge and just slap the elite with my sword...kinda funny really...died..waited for the father to have the gold ? appear over his head...released and ran back. my one and only death was avoidable..but hey..it was funny.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/06/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
Taelan will respawn after a while if you 'fail', release and abandon the quest before Tirion shows up. So if this happens to you just ressurect, get your costume back and go wait in Hearthglen for him and do it again.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/14/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
It's impossible to keep Taelan alive at the end.

We got a group and killed every enemy in attempt to keep him alive, but soon after we cleared the area, Taelan just collapsed dead on his own.&nbsp Not from anything attacking him, he just went from nearly full health to dead.&nbsp So if you were wondering, Taelan's death is a scripted event, there is no way to avoid it.

Oh well.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Eliandor on 10/17/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
This quest can be solo'd by any class. The trick is to keep the illusion on at all times. Even with it active, Issilen will be aggroable. Once Taelan engages, you can peg Issilen and kite him around on your mount until Tirion arrives (Taelan will eventually attack Issilen, taking him off you). A little easier for a hunter or rogue since they can drop aggro.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
level 60 hunter,
Just did it, no pain at all.

I just kept the disguise on after accepting the quest,
then simply followed him all the way out of the town to the tower,
(though in his quest dialogue he says to take the disguise off incase he attacks you in his rage, this did not happen)

when I got near the tower I abandoned the disguise,
stayed out of the agro range for all the mobs that want to kill him,
Feigned death (FD) off to the side and let them kill him.

I remained FD until after his dad came and opens a can of whoop-arse
on all the mobs, then I poped back up and collected my reward.

and a mighty nice reward it was too :)
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/26/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
I got seriously owned during the last fight where I tried to mind control one of the buggers to protect me. However, even after I died, the quest continued, the father came and smacked them all good and proper, and I had completed the quest when he was done talking.. then I realeased and collected my reward... easy as pie.. v. 1.09..
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/14/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
&nbsp &nbsp You will enter disguised in castle (previous q), get to boss, take the following q and then go after him. I didn't keep my disguise (because he said to remove it) and went after him. When he begun fighting I helped(no one shooted at me,so practicaly I've just shooted at some mobs).Boss always tanked, so no worry, not 1 hp damage on me.When the&nbsp last fight started (the one ppl above talk about)i died in first 3 secs, then I DIDN'T RELEASE SPIRIT and watched the&nbsp battle. Boss dies and then his father comes and kicks everybody's ass and remains there with question mark above his head(so q FINISHED). I released spirit and ran to him. And that was it! SO even my pet could solo it!
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 08/07/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
I completed this quest on first try. Couple of things that I did or didn't do......

1. I didn't assist with any of the fighting
2. I kept the costume on the whole time, including when I got the reward from his dad....in fact after I was dancing with a couple of undead players who happened to be in the area....the costume had around 8mins left to it.
3. I stayed on the hill across from the tower where his scripted death happens and aggro'd no one. I only came down from the hill after his dad finished his business.

My wife has also done this quest with her UD warrior and pretty much it was the same for her....no fighting, just enjoy the show.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/12/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
After failing the quest four times I have finally manged to make it on the fifth attempt. I learned two things:
1- The 4 elites exit Hearthglen CAN kill Taelan, it happenned to me twice.Which btw makes the quest fail.
2- I believe after getting out of Hearthglen it is better to undress remove disguise and help kill the 4 60 elites . Moreover it failed twice when I tried to finish it with disguise on and worked without disguise even though I died fast everything worked fine.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/19/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
Disguise is removed if you sit down in a chair. I got bored and started exploring Hearthglen only to fail the quest because I sat down :(. Oh well, 3rd times the charm...
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/19/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
So yeah, i was escorting him out of Heartglen, then the mofo elites come and kill him, before that, surprisingly i got aggro, and died. Stupid enough i release and run back before his dad kills them, so i come back and no ones there. Anyway i disguise again, go back to the lvl 63 elite guy to try to escort him out again, and nothing happens, he wont talk to me, and he doesnt have any question mark whatsoever on him, the quest i had was (In Dreams) basically its the quest you get after talking to him.

Anyway im stuck so i decide to abandon the quest and retry, well another stupid thing i did. Now im stuck, no idea what to do, ran around to EPL to try to get quest back, but nothing.. cant get it back.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
i finally got it today
had a lvl 60 pally help out to.&nbsp i had him clear the main gate first and while i was escorting Taelan we ran into the 4 lvl 60elite pat.&nbsp he proboly would have died but the pally helped kill the runners and he also attacked the person that Taelan was attacking to kill him quicker.

after that no problems at all. went down to tower and he died then his dad came as planned and raped everyone. -TIP- when u go to the tower...run up to top of the hill that is directly behiend the tower. if ur at the tower facing the road ther is a tree straight ahed of you. to the left there is a hill. climb up the hill and watch. you are close enough not to grab agro and still close enough to complete it. i did this and completed it flawlessly. i survived the entire thing and did not die and need to run back to my body like everyone else says.. you can easliy climb the hill and just watch.
goodluck everyone!
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/06/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
Did this myself. No problems. Though I do recomend you help him out against the group that patrols the road. I let him fight htem but he BARELY won. Try to stall or weaken them in some way, just something to give him the edge he needs. (in hindsight, as a warrior, I prolly should have feared them or dem shouted them)

As for the final confrontation, I stood at a distance but more elites came behind me so I just got close to him and took the death. Priest nearby raised me, allowing me to help Tirion lay the holy smackdown on them. ^^

I saluted Tirion after his speech too. Yeah, I'm a sucker for good stories. Loving my new armor too. Good luck to all.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
Got mind controlled and killed by Taelan. Released body and went back. Quest is lost and can't regain it. Did quest chain and 5 man scarlet stratholme for nothing. GG blizzard.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/19/2006 (Patch 1.10.1)
heh, this event killed 2 farmers when I was doing it.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/19/2006 (Patch 1.10.1)
I just attempted this quest.&nbsp Got through to the end where Taelan dies (he was at near full health and suddenly dropped dead, definitely the scripted death kicking in), whilst I waited on the hill nearby.&nbsp Nothing else happened.&nbsp After about 5 or 10 minutes, Taelan's body disappeared, and I got the "failed" notice about the quest.

Do you *have* to die for this quest to work?&nbsp I'm going to try it again (this time not in costume to try and get the "phat loots"), but still try to avoid death in that final battle and see if I can just wait for the father to appear.&nbsp Kinda annoying that it takes 20 minutes just to find out if there is a bug in the quest or not.

Also kind of annoying that the past several times I've tried to get this quest going, someone else is in the middle of it.&nbsp You have to wait for them to finish before you can do anything!

EDIT: Did it a second time, this time I stayed closer to the action.&nbsp I got aggro and died, but the father spawned as expected.&nbsp Maybe I was too far away before?
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/10/2005 (Patch 1.6.1)
I had the same problem with Taelan dying at the 4 lvl60 "Crimson Elite"s outside the gates. Apparently it's pure luck all the way with this quest. First time I tried it he ran into High Protector Lorik while he fought 4 scarlets just outside the keep, died as well. Not particularily funny since it takes at least 15 minutes each time you attempt the quest. I could NOT loot any bodies, I think this is a figment of Guuch's imagination.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/25/2005 (Patch 1.8.3)
I just stood back and let the fight by the tower happen, and when Taelan died I failed...
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/14/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
After you failed this quest (die very far from Daddy). I went and rez, after i went and get illuzion and coming back. Abadon qust near 63 elite and get new "In dreams". Complite it and all.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 08/07/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Im doing this quest with my warrior on the KArgath realm but the guy is bugged and i cant finish the quest becuase he always dies on the 4 lvl 60elite tht walk the road. Its impossible i got a vgroup and we killled the group then the boss man on boss man fight worked i thought but it didn't and i fialed the quest and the king guy was ditched.....
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 08/07/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Although it is not possible to heal Fordring's son directly, it seems to work to Judge a Seal Of Light onto his main target. Fordring will get those Seal Of Light light bubbles rising up from him on most of this hits. Didn't check whether it actually heals though ...
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/19/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
...is IMO

To attack the mobs that he is attacking to speed things up...and definately help him with the elites outside Hearthglen

Then when the last fight starts at the Tower, keep close or you might not get quest completion

I died literally on top of him, and then just stayed in my body until the even was finished and the yellow ? was over Fordrings head, then hurried back (he doesn't despawn so fast)

2 times I failed because I had released spirit or was too far !
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
I have done this a few times, usually succeed on first try. last toon has failed it 7 times. 3 from ghey alliance miss timing spirit release and now... he gets WTFPWN in the FACE by the four man pat.

gotta help hime
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
i tried this 9 times w/ my 60 warrior.&nbsp every time we exit the gates we arrive to an issue.&nbsp the 4 man pat. every singe time we get there he dies.&nbsp even had a 60 priest join to heal him when his heal was low.&nbsp unfortuantly he was immuned to it all. the main issue is the 4 man pat. if anyone has tips for this please email me iksnoved25@aim.com...thanks
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/31/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
my 2nd toon to complete thise. i think you're talking about the 4man lvl60 champions... he cut thru them like butter .. warrior and mage completed these without any intervention.. still had disguise on too
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/20/2005 (Patch 1.6.0)
He cant take out the 4 lvl 60 Crimson Elites outside Hearthglen - he just failed to when i tryed to do the quest and stay disguised all the way from where he began slaughtering Scarlet %^&*ers.