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The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
If only we had ten-thousand more like you, <name>. The armies of Hakkar would be scattered to the wind in the blink of an eye.

<Al'tabim sighs.>

Alas, the Eye is ready to realize its full potential. Give it to me.
The Eye of Zuldazar



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Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale


You will receive:
The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience ( 39 60 at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation with Zandalar Tribe


Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/30/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
This neck is pretty awesome actually, if you bear 2 things in mind. First, the +35 to PW:S is most likely a typo (some people reported that that typo isn't there in the german client), meaning instead of +35 to PW:S you'll get 35%, that's a whopping 1272 PW:S as a result. Secondly, together with another part from the set (shoulders are very close to tier 2 shoulders, for example) you'll get another +22 healing as a bonus. So in a way, that's a 40 +healing bonus on this necklace, the Jin'do one has a 44 +healing bonus and doesn't come with the PW:S bonus...

Last but not least, it's a faction reward, no crappy drop rates, no rolls, no hard bosses, no item farming. Get to exalted and you'll get this neckie for free.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/30/2005 (Patch 1.8.3)
People... think! Please!

The epic shoulders (Confessor's Mantle) you can get from a Zandalar quest at revered are superior to the tier 1 set shoulders Mantle of Prophecy. This epic neck obtained at exalted is part of a 5 piece set (Confessor's Raiment). The two piece bonus for this set is +22 to healing spells. So effectively, by getting to exalted and turning in the quest for this necklace, you not only add the +35 to shield, you also add +22 to healing to your build.

Comparable necks have +33 or +44 to healing or something like that - not some huge number.

This is like +35 to shield. +44 to healing is maybe +20 to a flash heal, but never effects PWS. Seems pretty good to me, don't know what you expect? About half of my use of PWS is to prevent spellcasting interuption every little bit will help a shielded caster cast without interuption.

Would have been nice to see a little bit of a jump in stats over the revered version, but how many people are going to bother going for exalted anyway? The priest revered mantle is very nice, and is reward enough for reaching revered... and this is an added bonus when you hit exalted and get a two piece bonus. Some people might pursue exalted faction for an extra +22 to healing and +35 to shield.

Even the revered version of this neck is fantastic. There are better ones, of course, from jindo and skwol and vael, and surely more to come, but this is very good and a much more certain way (not a rare drop/spawn) to get a very good necklace. Of course 1000g+ on ah is a certain way for acquiring a good neck, too, but at least this gives you another nice (little bit better) option (and much better if you get the exalted version and set bonus).

Edited, Wed Nov 30 08:35:41 2005
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/10/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
yeah thats pretty lame... 35 dmg is nothing.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/10/2005 (Patch 1.8.0)
Lame? How often does the priest in your group use PWS? If he's a good priest with a good mana pool, they should be using it almost every fight. Sure, 35 dmg isn't very much, until you calculate that dmg over a 100 or more castings.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/09/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
I like the idea of +absorb. However I don't like that +35 absorb results in epic quality. Still a nice item :D
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 01/22/2006 (Patch 1.9.2)
+35 is *!@#ing useless.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/29/2006 (Patch 1.10.0)
"First, the +35 to PW:S is most likely a typo (some people reported that that typo isn't there in the german client), meaning instead of +35 to PW:S you'll get 35%, that's a whopping 1272 PW:S as a result."

Not true, as verified with GM in game yesterday. With this neck equipped the PWS absorbs 35 more damage. One talent point in Improved Power Word Shield (as of 1.10) absorbs an extra 47 damage. So it's not "nothing" but it's not "whopping" either. Improved PWS with this neck equipped absorbs 1118 damage.