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Paragons of Power: The Freethinker's Armguards

Bring Jin'rokh the Breaker Primal Hakkari Bindings. You must also have a reputation equal to or greater than Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe.

Jin'rokh the Breaker is located on Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.
Primal Hakkari Bindings
Zandalar Tribe (Friendly)


You are a heathen. Heathens have a place in the tribe. Heathens are freethinkers of Zandalar. Freethinkers do not fear oppression. Freethinkers die for what they believe in. We know you would die for what you believe in. This earns our acknowledgement. This earns you a chance to prove yourself further.

We must have the Paragons of Power. Go to Zul'Gurub. Kill the minions of Hakkar. Return when you have what I seek. Claim the first battle gear of a Zandalar freethinker.





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Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
StartEndObjectives - Zul'Gurub


You will receive:
Zandalar Freethinker's Armguards
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3300 experience ( 39 60 at max. level)
  • 150 Reputation with Zandalar Tribe


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