Veteran's Battlegear
Bring 7 Cenarion Combat Badges, 4 Cenarion Logistics Badges and 4 Cenarion Tactical Badges to Vargus at Cenarion Hold in Silithus. You must also attain Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle to be able to complete this quest.Cenarion Combat Badge (7) | |
Cenarion Logistics Badge (4) | |
Cenarion Tactical Badge (4) | |
Cenarion Circle (Honored) |
The badges you collect from performing combat, logistics and tactical assignments for Cenarion Hold are more than just for show, <name>.You'd be wise to hold on to them. As you prove your loyalty to our organization I can offer you some of the gear we reserve for our closest allies in exchange for those badges.
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You can choose one of these rewards:Grace of Earth | Band of Earthen Might | Earthpower Vest |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 3300 experience ( 19 80 at max. level)
- 75 Reputation with Cenarion Circle
Once you have several quests to complete go do them, and turn them in for a badge and additional quest.  The followup quests have a better chance to get a quest that you can't access from the Field Duty only.
Remember that Field Duty can be soloed by a healer, you only need to keep Captain Blackanvil healed and alive throughout the battle.  If he dies you must do it all over again.
If you have an Epic mount you can actually do this twice in a row.  Mount up right as the wasp drops, click to get papers signed and make a run for the Hold in the straightest path possible.  get you assignment, re-accept the Field Duty quest and head back asap.  He will either have despawned memonets before you get there, or moments after.  Use the Twilight camp and rock formations as guidlines to make a straight path.  Even with only 1 trip per you get 20 reputation every time you do this, which is one of the quickest ways to gain rep.
Most of the Combat assignments require you to kill 30 of a certain bug in one of the Hives, this will usually require 2-3 people, and full group of 5 will make it faster for everyone.  Beware of Hive'Regal Slavemakers as they have a nasty poison and can Mind Control a person of the party, keep it stunned when possible.
One of the quickest ways to get the Logistics badges is to keep doing Field Duty until you can get a couple of them that require items you can make, or buy in the AH.  For example Logistics Task Briefing X - is 30 of three types of bandages, very easy to do.
Tactical Task Briefings require you to do some easier task such as finding a scout in one of the 3 of the Silithus Hives.  Or summoning and defeating a Templar at a Twilight camp.  Generally you will only get Task # 1, 3, 7, & 9, maybe the occasional 6.  In order to get any others you must complete one and turn it in for a follwoup assignment.  With a good group the Templar assignments can go very quickly.  If you have collected a set of the 3 Twilight Cultist pieces, Robe, Mantle, Cowl, put them on and click on the Lesser Wind Stone to get a random elemental Templar.  Rinse and repeat to get the Templar tasks complete and collect Abyssal Crests to either turn in for faction, or eventually use to summon a Duke of the Council.
The main thing to remember is to keep 3-8 quests for badges in your quest log so you have a variety of things you can do.  It also allows you to go with most any group to kill stuff you need.  You do not need to pick up any quests for class gear or battlegear until you actually have what is required.  The other class gear available in the form of three more quests will require Scarabs, Idols, and more from the Ahn'Qiraj 20 man instance.