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Metzen the Reindeer

Find Metzen the Reindeer. Use the notes provided to you for clues as to where he is being held.

When you find Metzen, have the Pouch of Reindeer Dust in your possession so you can sprinkle some of the dust on him; this should free Metzen from his bonds of captivity.

Return the Pouch of Reindeer Dust to Kaymard Copperpinch in Orgrimmar once Metzen is freed.
Find Metzen the Reindeer and rescue him
Pouch of Reindeer Dust
Provided Item:
Smokywood Satchel


DISASTER has struck! Metzen the Reindeer has been kidnapped!

Metzen is one of Great-father Winter's eight reindeer - and property of Smokywood Pastures. We've received not one but TWO ransom letters from groups claiming to have Metzen. With the holiday season well under way, we're strapped to the coin box here! Please - find Metzen and return him to us!

Check out the ransom letters for clues, and sprinkle this reindeer dust on him - it will free him from any of his bonds!

Please, hurry!




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StartEndObjectives - TanarisObjectives - Searing Gorge


You will receive:
Preserved Holly
You will also receive: 0


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Rating: +48 [-] [+]
By netherbane on 12/09/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Location: Kalimdor, Tanaris, entrance cove is 68,41. the cape on the east
you will find Metzen in the middle of the village, in a stable.
There are 4 mobs infront and several around.
Mobs is about lvl 44-45.
If you are not much higher or even lvl 60, bring friends for help,cause they all attack at the same time.

The target is also located near 70, 34 in Seraing Gorge. This is the road intersection to the SW of the tunnel entrance.

He is surrounded by multiple 45-47 mobs which will come at you in a group of about 5 or 6.

Easily soloed with a 60 Mage (of course), but with a little help you should be able to do it as low as 45.
Rating: +43 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
64,34 Searing Gorge is Correct. You'll see a camp of 6 or 7 Dark Iron Kidnapppers, a tent, and the reindeer. You've gotta kill off maybe 4 lvl 45 mobs at once for this quest.
Rating: +27 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Ok Just finished quest with lvl 42 (tauren) hunter.
Did it solo all the way - just me an my pet.
Basic run through for horde.
Go to Orgrimmar.
Get quest from the goblin dude.
Take the zepplin to undercity.
Fly to Kargath (If possible) if not, take flight path to the nearest other and run there.
At kargath, follow the path south of the Inn till a narrow path leads up through the mountains to the west.
Take the path, then when you reach a fork in the road take a right (north).
Not far up is the camp where blitzen is.

From there either kill em all in a party,
Aggro them with a pet or freind and then run in to do the objective(Recommended),
Or run in and do it real quik.

Happy holidays!
Rating: +22 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
K first of all the Reindeer is in the Searing Gorge at cords (64.34)for those who don't know how to get to Searing Gorge there are two ways, read at the bottom section "How to get to Searing Gorge".

Quest Details

The Reindeer is at cords (64.34)in the Searing Gorge he's surrounded by four lv 45 Dark Iron Kidnappers. Those four are stringed together so if you attack any of them they well all attack. They also have the ability to net (paralyze) so unless you have AOE attacks, are at least lv 48 and have ranged attacks, or can blink out of or free yourself from a net, then you'll need to group this quest.

How to get to Searing Gorge 2 Methods

1.) Go to Badlands which starts at south of Loch Modan at cords(47.76), once in the Badlands go to cord (4.62) there is a valley that leads to Searing Gorge(its directly below Kargath).

2.)Part A:
Kill Margol the Rager (He's in the Searing Gorge so you'll have to get in from the above method, he's a lv 48 elite, soloed as a 47 mage no biggie, his cords (72.80) its in a valley in the moutains, valley starts at cords (65.77)

2.)Part B:
After you've killed Margol the Rager make sure you get Margol's Gigantic Horn, right click the horn to open a quest. Go to Moutineer Pebblebitty at the Valley of Kings below Loch Modan at cords (18.84) after completing her quests you get a key to the Searing Gorge I highly reccomend doing this saves lots of time for future quests in the Searing Gorge.
Rating: +18 [-] [+]
By TheOnyx on 12/18/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Keep in mind that, while the Fresh Holly you receive from the Revelers is soulbound, this quest reward is not soulbound. Preserved Holly may be given to other players (or auctioned in the Auction House).
Rating: +17 [-] [+]
By nicotin on 12/16/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
I find him at 71,48 in Tanaris
Rating: +16 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/15/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
He is both at 67,34 in Searing Gorge, and at 73,47 in Tanaris. both "guards" are around lvl 45.

the unknown reward is 5 pieces of a treat that makes your mount look like a reindeer (use the item when mounted).

the reward is limited to five though, and dispells when unmounted. however, they can probably be used when you want (even after winter is over).

you can get more of this kind by /kiss to someone below a mistel (do it on another player and they'll get a nice spirit buff) and you will recieve a gift. this random gift can also have 5 of what this quest reward is, but then it has a "most be usable within 7 days" limit. so save your quest reward! :)
Rating: +15 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
ok.. so i saw a couple of level 40's in my server riding this reindeer mount. little did i know how hard this quest is for a lvl 40. lost rigger cove is occupied with lvl 48 mobs. do this quest only if you have lvl 45+ friends helping you. i had to learn the hard way. and the walk from the graveyard to metzen the reinderr is pretty far.
Rating: +14 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Can be found either in Searing Gorge and Tanaris

Happy Holidays�
Rating: +14 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
I have the dust and talk to the reindeer in Tanaris, it shows he is freed but my log doesn't update. I go back to Ogr to talk to quest giver and nothing. What the balls?
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Wardy on 12/22/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
This can be done quite easilly if your willing to sacrifice yourself as the Reindeer does not need to be used.

Just run in and speak to the reindeer, then choose the option in the message box.

I did have the help of me voidwalker to take most of the heat though. Was level 42 when completed this.
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
yeah, there is one deer in southsea pirate's camp, near 73 47
mobs level around 45 there
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/15/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
He is at 67,34 in Searing Gorge.

Surrounded by 5-6 mid lvl 45 dwarfs. At lvl 60 it was a piece of cake.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
Coords listed above are correct.

Some mobs (kidnappers) may need to be killed.

Walk up to reindeer and 'talk' to him. This will invoke NPC dialog box which has option to use dust on him.

Reindeer glows then vanishes.

That's it.

Nice easy 4950XP
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Metzen is west of thorium point. there are a few 43-46 mobs
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
If you are doing the quest in Tanaris there is a place with a ton of Southsea pirates. Go into the fenced area. Go toward themiddle camp, the one where you did the quest for the guy named Andra Firebeard. Behind him as a group of what looks to be about 7 pirate kidnappers. Kill them and in the little hut is the reindeer. If you find Andre Firebeard look directly behind him and you will find the reindeer you need.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
This is really easy. You just fly to badlands. Take path that leads west from there. There is a path to the west, through mountains that leads to Searing Gorge. Once you get to where path splits head north and to the left you will see camp. Run in, fear everyone then click on reindeer and done.. You might die running out but quest will be completed.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
There is one in Searing Gorge - 64,34. As a L60 I just walked up, talked to the reinder and it completed without any aggro.

The mobs are 43-45 non-elites.

Easiest way in, once you have got there, is the flight path at Thorium Point, top left hand corner 37,29

Go to Kargath, head west, up through the pass which brings you into Searing Gorge.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Like heck there is no raindeer in tanaris i just helped him lol. he is in the stables inside the camp... the talk of the plank made me think he was in the boat but using track beasts i found him pretty quickly :D
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
That's because the reward for this is an item that you use on your mount.&nbsp

As you cannot have a mount until you are 40, it would make sense that you would not be able to get the quest until you're 40.

Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/25/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
64,34 Searing Gorge is where he was.&nbsp 41 priest just ran up used scream and talked to him freed him then died.&nbsp Ressed then hearthed out.
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By cjsommie on 12/17/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
For anybody thats never been to Searing G, the best way to get there for horde is Undercity - Arathi Highlands - Wetlands - Loch Modan - Searing Gorge. I'm just posting because at lvl 45 I've never been there and I spend 2 hours trying all kinds of different ways.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
I fund mine at 73,47 in Tanaris.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/30/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Just walk right in, every pirate was dead over there, talked to metzen, en used my heartstone to get out
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
In Tanaris the reindeer is located inside the southshore compound, they made wooden stable for him, that is easy to notice.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
not to be greedy about location, but how about a non co-ordinate description of the locations?
pls and tyVVm
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
Who gives this quest? Grandfather?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/17/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
As a warning do not click on the bag before you reach the reindeer. I did this right before I hit Metzen in Tanaris. So unless you're looking for a nice run back to the city to get the quest again, don't click on the bag.

Also, in Tanaris the reindeer is straght ahead when first entering. He's under an overhang against a building. He's kind of hard to see since he blends in. Just search for the kidnappers and he'll be right next to them.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/17/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
I soloed this in the Gorge with a level 42 Tauren Hunter. I made my pet run around them and make them run after it as I snuk to Metzen and freed it. The kidnappers weren't happy as they found out what I had done and killed me. I still comleted th quest, though.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/17/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Oh, this quest is not horde only, I did this with my ally toon by runnning into orgrimmar on mount, ice block while talking to guy, (frost armor already on), and running out of the town. Then I did the quest, and repeated procedure to turn in quest. 5x preserved holly.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
If you're at 300 cooking skill you can get the quest The Hero of the Day after doing this one to trade 1 deeprock salt and 5g for 5 Preserved Holly that doesn't go bad. The machine in ironforge is behind the goblin's cart.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/26/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
I, 51 rogue, stealthed to the reindeer, hes in a stable, freed him, stealthed out. Didn't need to kill 1 single mob. Found him on 73,48 exactly.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By TheMercenary on 12/15/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
You recieve this quest from Kaymard Copperpinch in Orgrimmar (For the Horde don't know bout allys) his Coordinates are 55,66.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By cmhscout on 12/16/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Found Metzen the Reindeer at 68|34 in Searing Gorge (Dustfire Valley).
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By gef on 12/15/2021 (Patch 1.13)
Soloed with 49 enhancement shaman. Rushed forward, speaked with the reindeer ran away, died and reincarnated.
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By Anonymous on 12/16/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
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By pyrochung93 on 09/04/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
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By vissica on 12/15/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
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By Rendeveux on 12/16/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
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By Deluxe05 on 12/16/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)