Children's Week
Use the Human Orphan Whistle to talk with the child you will be looking after during Children's Week. Provided Item:Human Orphan Whistle |
You're willing to help us here at the orphanage? Bless you, friend; your aid during Children's Week will be invaluable.Take this whistle. You will only be able to use it for a short amount of time - typically not longer than Children's Week itself. When you use it, you will be able to talk with the child you've agreed to look after. Using it again will dismiss the child.
By all means <name> - use the whistle and meet your ward! I'm sure the child will be most eager to meet you.
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Stormwind City
First he gives you these 3:
-take him to the lighthouse southwest of Moonbrok by the shore (the one for the Old-Murk eye quest)
-take him to the bank of darnassus (take boat from menethil harbor to auderbine and then to ruth'eran village-there is a portal to darnassus there)
-take him to the dam in Loch modan (it is by that kobolds cave)
After you hit these 3 you get 2 more:
-get an aoutograph from Jana, the boss lvl wizard in Theramore wizard tower, the one you need to talk to when you are doing Lost diplomat quest i belive (to get to Theramore take the boat from Menethil harbor)
-go to the vendor in SW or go to Shimering flats ice-cram vendor and buy the little dude an ice-cream
After you complete these 2 you get final 1:
-this one doesn't include any "oh mister please take me there and buy me that and i want to be the hero of alliance and all that jazz" just bring the kid back to the place where you claimed him and VOILA
TIPS:-i suggest you do it like this: westfall-->loch modan-->darnassus-->theramore-->ice-cream(buy it in SW)-->take the kid back
-and also don't take the rat its the most boring pet of all 3 (Mr.Wigles or Speedy 4 life)
EDIT: I didn't see but I'm wondering if you get any reputation with Stormwind for completing this?