Delivering the Relic
Deliver the Mysterious Relic to Vestia Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.Mysterious Relic |
Mysterious Relic |
If you would be so kind as to deliver the relic to my wife Vestia, I would appreciate it. She's not only a fine priestess for our community, but she is one of the most well-versed scholars you'll find anywhere. I couldn't make heads or tails of this device even if there was a wager involved. My wife though, if anyone can figure out what this thing is, she could... and we need to know!She's just around the bend, no doubt studying. Thanks, <name>.
You can choose one of these rewards:
You can choose one of these rewards:Dawnrider's Chestpiece | Sentinel's Guard |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 3900 experience ( 23 40 at max. level)
- 100 Reputation with Darnassus