Thundris Windweaver
Speak with Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.Description
Your scouting of the furbolg camp is information that Thundris Windweaver should be made aware of. He graciously serves as the elder of Auberdine, offering sage and just stewardship of the day to day affairs of the village. Please - share with him your findings to date on the furbolg situation.I believe he has some ideas of his own on the reasons behind their corruption. Perhaps you can work with him to enact a plan to restore the balance of nature here!
You will also receive: 0
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
- 110 experience ( 66 at max. level)
- 10 Reputation with Darnassus
You will also receive: 0Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 110 experience ( 66 at max. level)
- 10 Reputation with Darnassus