Dragonscale Leatherworking
Bring 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplates, 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves, and 10 Worn Dragonscales to Peter Galen in Azshara.Completing this quest will give you access to the Dragonscale Leatherworking arts.
The completion of this quest will prevent you from learning Elemental Leatherworking and Tribal Leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so.
Tough Scorpid Breastplate (2) | |
Tough Scorpid Gloves (2) | |
Worn Dragonscale (10) |
Dragonscale leatherworking isn't easy, but it's extremely rewarding. I'll teach you how to make this fine mail armor, but only if you agree to certain conditions.By choosing this path, you agree never to learn elemental or tribal leatherworking; there is only room for one of the three at the apex of the craft. Furthermore, I'll need some samples of your best work involving scorpid armor. Finally, I'll need proof of your ability to acquire the staple of the trade: scales of the dragonkin.
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The following spell will be cast on you:Dragonscale Leatherworking |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 4200 experience ( 25 20 at max. level)
- 500 Reputation with Leatherworking - Dragonscale
40 Scorpid Scales
36 Thick Leather
12 Silken Thread
10 Worn Dragonscale
Best Places to farm for the Materials:
Scorpid Scales - Tanaris. There are Scorpids everywhere. The closer to Gadgetzan, the lower level they are. However, this could be more dangerous if you're on a pvp server. If you want to play it safe, you may want to ride further south away from town towards some of the higher level scorpid spawn.
Worn Dragonscale - There are three great locations to farm for these, with the Dragon population levels being 41-43 on average.
Swamp of Sorrows - The Green Dragonkin that surround the Sunken Temple Dustwallow Marsh - The Red Dragonkin that inhabit the southern part of the map; Wyrmbog, Stonemaul Ruins, and Onyxia's Lair Badlands - Lethlor Ravine, which lies at the eastern most end of the map, is infested with Scalding Whelps
** Corrected the bit about Silken Thread** Thanks Bent!