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Cracking Maury's Foot

Bring Maury's Key to "Sea Wolf" Mackinley in Booty Bay.
Maury's Key


Curses! That swab Maury put a lock on his foot, and I can't open it! His loot's inside the foot, and that's what he owes me!

We need to find the key to open the lock. Maury was known to gamble with the Mosh'Ogg ogres, at their mound to the northeast. And he told me, when he was still alive, that the last time he went to the mound he was chased off after winning too much. Maybe the Ogres there have his key.

But if they do, you might have to kill a load of them to find the right one...




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Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale
StartEndObjectives - Stranglethorn Vale


You will receive:
Collection Plate
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Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Rating: +24 [-] [+]
By Tucci on 09/07/2007 (Patch 2.1.3)
Becomes available after completing http://classicdb.ch/?quest=609.
Rating: +21 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/17/2005 (Patch 1.2.0)
I completed this quest at level 46, and got 4650 XP and a "great increase" to my Booty Bay reputation.
Rating: +17 [-] [+]
By Blacktalis on 12/15/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Ogres are elite and as OP said, the Quest item is Random
high 40's
Rating: +16 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
Yeah its the Ogre at the entrace to the Valley. Co-ordinates are 47-26 and the valley leads to a cave. You cant miss it.
Rating: +11 [-] [+]
By pifexx on 06/27/2007 (Patch 2.1.2)
Location: 49,31 Stranglethorn Vale
Mob: High 40's Elite.
Drop Rate: Medium.
Rating: +10 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
In doing this quest myself (45 Shaman) I have 1 thing to clarify:&nbsp There is not a mob that drops the key 100% of the time (as the percentages show the best drop rate on this particular item are around 5%-6% off level 41-42 Warmongers.&nbsp It took me 17 kills to get mine.
Rating: +8 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/29/2006 (Patch 1.10.1)
Yeah, I was killing them out in the open, the FIRST mob I killed near the cave dropped it. So if you are having problems, move closer to the cave itself.
Rating: +7 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
To get this quest, you will need to finish Voodoo Dues quest.
Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Jubjub on 12/01/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
Got mine within about 15 kills off a Mosh'Ogg Mauler at 52,27 inside the cave.
Pair with http://classicdb.ch/?quest=206 and go with a friend to make it easier.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2005 (Patch 1.7.1)
i have killed over 30 war mongers.. still no key... they are hard at lvl 43
cords for vally are 49,27
Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By groegan102 on 11/19/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
Get ready to grind like a madman. Despite my friend being able to nab it after one or two kills, I spent 20 minutes on my level 46 rogue clearing the ogre compound around 6 times, totalling to about 40-ish ogres.

This is best done at around level 45 - 47, as the ogres tend to be easier to kill, as well as continue to give you XP. Makes the grind a bit more bearable.

P.S. Did this quest with patch 2.3, in case you were wondering.
Last edited by groegan102 on 11/19/2007 (Patch 2.3.0)
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 08/29/2005 (Patch 1.6.1)
I stuck to the lv 41 elites, were some tough fights but completed this quest solo at lv 42, very doable.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/29/2006 (Patch 1.10.1)
Doesn't matter which ogres you kill whether they're near the cave or not.

Solo'd this as a lvl 41 shadow priest, 1k xp rested per kill. I also managed to solo this as my pala at lvl 42.

Killed about 10 before i got the key.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/08/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
still no drops. killed about 10 so far. these things are real powerful lol
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/14/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
i've spent nearly an hour and still no key. Do u have to do it solo? cuz i did it in a group and i didnt get the key :'(
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/02/2007 (Patch 2.0.10)
Now that was a fun quest.Cords were dead on. Killed about 25 mobs.Good exp per mob. had to rest after each kill simply cause im a priest. But wow lots of fun. If you like killing elites heres you chance. lol.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/26/2005 (Patch 1.4.0)
You don't need to enter the cave.
I got it after killing just a dozen 41 elite warmongers.
I'm a level 46 NE druid.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/04/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
I'm 44 and i soloed this quest i just picked out the 41 elites and 42's easy but the 42's are abit hard so go for the low ones
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/06/2005 (Patch 1.8.2)
I did this at level 47 as part of my "finishing swoop of doom" on Stranglethorn's more difficult quests, and found the ogres to be a nice source of easy exp. As I was rested, the level 41 guys gave me 640 exp and the 42 ogres gave me 720, which is nice from something I was felling without too much difficulty.

The quest took me about thirty minutes, including running up to the Mosh'Ogg Ogre mound from BB, and the key dropped from the twenty-something ogre. Got a nice lump of Mageweave from it as well, also some silk and Moonberry juice. Quite a relaxing quest, really. :P
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/25/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
Solo'd as a 46 feral druid..

Took the first warmonger that crossed my path, very easily... key dropped.

Simple as that.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/11/2007 (Patch 2.0.10)
got it on the 44th kill... /yawn
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 04/09/2007 (Patch 2.0.12)
1st kill, got the key from a 42 (elite)... they give nice drops and good experience points, not too hard to kill (i'm 42 paladin)

coords are exacts 50,31!
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/17/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
I've killed around 30 elites now and the key doesn/t seem to drop.
I've done this quest with other characters but I think I'll skip it with this one...
Nice XP though, but I think that if I had hit Maury's Foot with my mace as much as I'd hit the ogres, I would have smashed and opened it myself...why bother finding a key?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 09/02/2006 (Patch 1.12.0)
i think i got lucky only killed 3 warmonger's and it dropped
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/01/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
50,31 cords

Got it on My 10th Kill

43 Warlock
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/19/2005 (Patch 1.2.0)
Is this a random drop by the ogres or is the key dropped in the cave
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/08/2005 (Patch 1.5.1)
Can anyone tell me where those darn ogers are ? I guess im blind or something ....
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/14/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
got mine from a spellcaster ogre
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/15/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
location ?
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 07/25/2005 (Patch 1.6.0)
Got the key at 50,31
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/17/2007 (Patch 2.0.10)
lol 50,31ish i got it on first kill, i feel bad for you guys xD
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/21/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
got it on my first kill, coords are correct
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/17/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
Was also just about to quit then came on here to see if any particular ogre/area has a better drop rate. Went outside the cave and it dropped off the first lvl42 warmonger I killed :D (had killed about 15before but was getting bored quickly :P )
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/26/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
Killed one 41 elite warmonger, dropped the key first time. Sorted.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/27/2006 (Patch 1.12.2)
I can honestly say that completing this quest was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have had playing WoW. I know I killed 50 of these guys during 3 or 4 different attempts. The ogres are elites, which makes them difficult to handle solo unless you're in your upper 40s or higher, and even then they take a good bit out of you. I seriously was going to drop this quest, but I was just stubborn and finally a random ogre dropped the key. I got somewhere around 2000 exp for completing it (it was long green to me) and a shield that is nothing more than vendor trash.

For those who got the key on the first few drops, consider yourselves lucky. For those who haven't yet finished this quest, dump it now and save yourself the aggravation. It's not like there aren't a gazillion other quests out there.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 10/10/2006 (Patch 1.12.1)
got mine off of the second kill it was a 42 warmonger and it was right outside the cave. infact it was the one that walks up the ramp on the side.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/20/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Got it on the 2nd kill :)
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/20/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
If I am right those ogres have a chance of dropping epic items so having to kill many of them is not bad if you want those items and XP
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/05/2007 (Patch 2.0.8)
4650 XP at level 46. Reputation adjustment was correct.
Took a ridiculously long amount of time to get the key. :|
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/14/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
some great info on these post. keep up good work.