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Blood Guard's Silk Gloves


Rating: +6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 05/03/2006 (Patch 1.10.2)
These are all about the 2-piece set bonus. Like someone posted above, just wearing the boots and gloves gives you +56 spell damage with the set-bonus. Throw a +20 fire or ice enchant on them and that's +76 spell damage from just 2-pieces.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/19/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
Nice gloves but I agree, the mana shield absorbtion is useless. If you have under 6k mana for pvp using manashield makes you go oom often and this set doesn't give you a very big mana pool.
Rating: +5 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 03/28/2006 (Patch 1.10.0)
The mana shield can be used to block hits while mounted.&nbsp Also your spells and actions are uninterrupted from physical attacks while your shield is up....may give you an extra edge while trying to cap a flag in AV.
Rating: +4 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/19/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
Bandages?&nbsp = P

It's just blizzard's way of doing things.&nbsp You have your frost dmg, fire dmg, shadow dmg, arcane dmg, + healing, etc.

Then you have your generic +dmg/+healing.&nbsp This is the way it works for any other classes that don't heal as well.
Rating: +3 [-] [+]
By Necrotic on 12/17/2006 (Patch 2.0.1)
Old version of the Blood Guard's Silk Handwraps. No longer available.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 12/08/2005 (Patch 1.8.4)
If you take those gloves + the Blood Guard's Silk Footwraps, you get +56 dmg for 2 items, wich is pretty decent. Also, Increases the damage absorbed by your Mana Shield by 285 is hella good since Mana Shield don't really absorb alot of dmg already. In my opinion, they are really good.

Skullcrusher 60 Mage
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 02/19/2006 (Patch 1.9.4)
Poor quality?


Are you mad?&nbsp Maybe because you don't use all of your mage skills the way you should...

I just ahve one question.&nbsp It increases healing AND dmg...&nbsp Mages heal?&nbsp Since when?&nbsp Have I forgotten a spell?&nbsp I'm probably just not thinking right, but how DO mages heal?
Show comment   Rating: -6 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 11/02/2005 (Patch 1.8.2)
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