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Battle Chain Tunic

Battle Chain Tunic
Binds when equipped
129 Armor
+2 Strength
+1 Agility
Durability 70 / 70
Requires Level 8


Faltering Silithid Flayer11 - 14
A HUncategorized0.0286
Reef Frenzy14 - 15Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.0286
Webwood Silkspinner8 - 9TeldrassilA HBeast0.0286
Bloodsnout Worg16 - 17Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.0286
Vile Fin Minor Oracle8 - 9Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0286
Black Bear Patriarch16 - 17Loch ModanA HBeast0.0286
Young Forest Bear8 - 9Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.0286
Defias Pillager14 - 15WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Great Goretusk16 - 17Westfall, Redridge MountainsA HBeast0.0286
Riverpaw Outrunner9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Geolord Mottle9
Rare Elite
DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Deviate Creeper15 - 16
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.0286
Southsea Brigand12 - 13The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Makrura Elder8DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Windfury Wind Witch8 - 9MulgoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Feral Nightsaber10 - 11TeldrassilA HBeast0.0286
Pyrewood Watcher13 - 14
Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Devlin Agamand9Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0286
Mountain Buzzard15 - 16Loch ModanA HBeast0.0286
Tunnel Rat Surveyor14Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0286
Murloc Netter14 - 15WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
<Ragefire Chieftain>
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.0286
Sethir the Ancient12TeldrassilA HHumanoid0.0286
Zhevra Runner13 - 14The BarrensA HBeast0.0286
Dustwind Storm Witch10 - 11DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Venture Co. Worker8 - 9MulgoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Reef Crawler15 - 17DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Thistle Bear11 - 12DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Gnarlpine Augur8 - 9TeldrassilA HHumanoid0.0286
Captain Melrache12Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0286
Scarlet Neophyte10 - 11Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0286
Frostmane Snowstrider8 - 9Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.0286
Old Vicejaw14
Rare Elite
Silverpine ForestA HBeast0.0286
Ragefire Trogg13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.0286
Kreenig Snarlsnout15The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw10 - 11DurotarA HBeast0.0286
Defias Pathstalker15 - 16WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Burning Blade Cultist10 - 11DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Galak Outrunner9 - 10MulgoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Blackwood Warrior16 - 17DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Dalaran Mage15 - 16Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Dalaran Apprentice13 - 14Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Captain Dargol13Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0286
Rockjaw Backbreaker11 - 12Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.0286
Murloc Lurker9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Defias Rogue Wizard9 - 10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Burning Blade Acolyte11 - 12The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Bristleback Water Seeker16 - 17The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Prairie Wolf Alpha9 - 10Mulgore, Thunder BluffA HBeast0.0286
Maggot Eye11Tirisfal GladesA HUndead0.0286
Loch Frenzy12 - 13Loch ModanA HBeast0.0286
Tunnel Rat Forager11 - 12Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0286
Defias Trapper12 - 13WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Searing Blade Warlock13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.0286
Defias Dockmaster10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Pyrewood Leatherworker14 - 15
Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Venture Co. Mercenary15 - 16The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Savannah Patriarch15 - 16The BarrensA HBeast0.0286
Gruff Swiftbite12
Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Dustwind Savage9 - 10DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Kodo Matriarch11 - 12MulgoreA HBeast0.0286
Young Reef Crawler10 - 11DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Stormscale Wave Rider15 - 16DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Hand of Ravenclaw15 - 16Silverpine ForestA HUndead0.0286
Captain Vachon11Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0286
Tunnel Rat Scout10 - 11Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0286
Rare Elite
Dun MoroghA HHumanoid0.0286
Riverpaw Shaman13WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Sister Hatelash11
MulgoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Burning Blade Apprentice10 - 11DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Elder Mottled Boar8 - 9DurotarA HBeast0.0286
Galak Centaur8 - 9MulgoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Greymist Netter14 - 15DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Elder Nightsaber8 - 9TeldrassilA HBeast0.0286
Dalaran Protector14 - 15Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Ravenclaw Slave11 - 12Silverpine ForestA HUndead0.0286
Coyote Packleader11 - 12WestfallA HBeast0.0286
Redridge Thrasher14 - 15Redridge MountainsA HHumanoid0.0286
Morgan the Collector10Elwynn ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Young Wolf1Elwynn ForestA HBeast0.0286
Deviate Lurker16 - 17
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.0286
Deviate Stinglash16 - 17
Wailing CavernsA HBeast0.0286
Riverpaw Gnoll11 - 12WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Elder Plainstrider8 - 9Mulgore, Thunder BluffA HBeast0.0286
Wild Grell11 - 12DarkshoreA HHumanoid0.0286
Elder Mountain Boar16 - 17Loch ModanA HBeast0.0286
Tunnel Rat Digger12 - 13Loch ModanA HHumanoid0.0286
Benny Blaanco15WestfallA HHumanoid0.0286
Searing Blade Enforcer13 - 15
Ragefire ChasmA HHumanoid0.0286
Thistle Cub9 - 10DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Pyrewood Tailor12 - 15
Silverpine ForestA HHumanoid0.0286
Witchwing Slayer16 - 17The BarrensA HHumanoid0.0286
Dustwind Pillager7 - 8DurotarA HHumanoid0.0286
Tide Crawler13 - 14DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Moonstalker Runt16 - 17DarkshoreA HBeast0.0286
Giant Webwood Spider10 - 11TeldrassilA HBeast0.0286
Ravenclaw Servant13 - 14Silverpine ForestA HUndead0.0286
Captain Perrine9Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.0286
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